34. Safe

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So this story is ending soon, and with the covers each one that is sent to me will get a trial so far I'm really liking the one that is on now.


Delilah's pov



Darkness is all that we could see, the storm is currently happening out side and is By far the biggest loudest storm I've ever encountered in my life.
And I am fucking scared.

There power is currently out, it's really cold and dark and again I am fucking scared.
I was now sitting in my room, on my bed, under the covers barricading myself in not that it will help but get if my roof suddenly disappeared ill be dry for a few minutes.

"Delilah?" I hear luke call out obviously blind from the Darkened room I'm not joking it was basically pitch black.

"Yeah?" I whisper shakily as another clap if thunder followed by lightning hits the country or city or town?
I don't even know.

"Are-are you okay?" He say being cut off by the thunder again.

"Um maybe?" I answer

He doesn't hesitate to come by my side on the bed and lie down with me holding me securily, while getting in the covers himself.

"Not to find of storms?" He ask quietly.

"I'm not to find of things that can blow my house down, electrify me to nothing, flood us until we drown. Yeah you could say that" I answer sarcasm dripping through my tone.
Luke just chuckles in response.
Not a chuckling matter but whatever.

So we stay like this for a while, until luke turns me.
"Delilah?" He whispers

"Yeah?" I answer arily.

"I-um- never- never mind" he said fighting with himself.
I shrug it of and don't press the situation.

It's weird isn't it?
That two people can go from loving each other to hating each other to being friends again?
Luke did so much shit to me, yet I forgave him and gave him another chance, in the span if 2 weeks.

"Stop thinking" luke said looking me straight in the eye.

"That's impossible, no one ever stops thinking" I say
"Unless there dead" I add

Luke smiles at me nodding his head in agreement.
"True" he says

"Thanks for letting me stay here del, I would be on the streets if it weren't for you" he says looking out the window.

"We'll I'd be crying my eyes out during this storm if it weren't for you" I smile widely, for some unknown reason, i felt safe.
Safer then I have ever felt, and that's the bad thing luke has always made me feel safe, he protected me from my drunken abusive father and my mother who i haven't heard of my whole life she could be dead or alive but I feel like she was like my father.

And I hate it, I hate knowing minus all the things he put me through I still felt safe.



Again super short chap my brain is being really slow and there's a storm outside at the moment and powers out.

The cover on the side was made for this book.
I'm having a few people that I know judge the covers that have been given to me and I won't get a say in it because that would be unfair idk why.

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