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Delilah's POV After that encounter with the devil himself I decide to go to bed, partly because I've lost so much blood, my emotions are going from confused to angry to depressed and all I really need to do is sleep.

So I do I hop in bed lie my head on my pillow, hissing when the duvet rubs my arms.

But slowly drift of into darkness.

Luke's POV

Surprised but also pissed that Delilah slammed the door in my face I plan to give her what she deserves tomorrow.

I like beating her up, I like the power, the adrenaline of kicking her, the sting on my knuckles when I punch.

Sure it isn't what she deserves, I don't mind.

That's what I, I wish, I wish I didn't mind.

Delilah's POV

Waking up the next day... Friday it's Friday I couldn't think of a better day.

I get up go to the bathroom and turn the shower on, relaxing to the scorching hot water but only to feel stings and pains

"Shit" I hiss, as I cover my arms. I wash my hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner and wash my body with my apple body wash.

I hop out of the shower, dry myself and walk to my wardrobe. I pick out my black ripped skinny jeans, my batman logo black muscle tee, my red converse and my long cardigan to cover the scars.

I walk out of my room, and downstairs I walk into the kitchen and realise of course I'm alone again I decided not had breakfast again I don't need it I'm also again i'm to fat to eat.

I get my keys and drive to school.

Arrived at school knowing today's going to be a bad day I know I just know that something bad is going to happen.

I walk to the locker room get my stuff out of my locker and walking to my classroom to see Luke sitting there with smirk on his face when he sees me, I ignore it I know that I am going to get what's coming for me I knew I shouldn't have slammed the door in his face but I couldn't help my emotions and anger towards him, he has done so much to me and my life I mean we used to be best friends we never could be separated, that was until he started hanging out with Michael, calum and Ashton that was a huge mistake and I don't think he even notices I know for sure that all he wants is popularity I mean he's known as the schools bad boy and he keeps up to every one's expectation I'm sure that when he started it he hated doing it to me but then I could see it I could see that he loved hitting me punching me kicking me swearing at me insulting me and overall abusing me and this struck me like a bullet to the back and it Hurt really really bad. I would stay up all night crying and crying missing what the boy used to be like, he used to love me as a friend of course but still I loved him and it hurts to know that now somewhere in time things changed we started hating each other mainly my reason was because he hits me and abuses me at insults me but I've gone through that already again I Manly hate him because of the emotional pain he's put me through I want to die because of him and yet he doesn't know what he doesn't know what I do to myself because of him.

"Okay class let's get to work" Mrs dechlin says and then I had the most boring lesson of my life of course my brain couldn't stop thinking about the day ahead I knew I just knew that something was going to happen whether it was good or it was bad I just know it.

I was now eating my lunch in the Back of the cafeteria because that's the only place where I was excepted by myself had the back of the cafeteria yet I felt safe well safer than usual because Luke Michael Callum and Ashton don't eat lunch in the cafeteria and of course nothing is safe Then none of Luke's friends are probably outside for a smirk yes that's right he smokes now as well I can't believe how much he has changed I would hate to have a bunch of my friends pressure me into something that I didn't want to do especially that in the long run could kill me that would be horrible but anyway going on with the story well not a story it's the story of my life no fantasy fairytale not happy ever after just me my dead parents and a bunch of sorry ass bullies and yet I'm the one alive.


Sixth period just finished I was now starting to walk out of the school gates and of course as typical as it sounds Luke and he is "gang" was there I knew it was way too good to be true serve as protocol I put my bag down and look at them expectedly and again they walk up all with smirks on their faces their stupid proud faces.

I wait until they get to me there is no use running now it's all down hill from here on end.

Nothing new just a couple of punches to the face kicks to the stomach but this time instead of standing I fall, this new

Usually I am strong enough to stand on 2 feet which now me lying on the ground will make it easier for them to Hurt me more.

"Stupid ugly fat slut whore pig disgusting fat ugly little piece of shit you are not loved by anyone!" Michael screamed evilly at me.

They hits me kick me punch me scratch me pull my hair until I am weak and starting to lose too much blood and I'm losing too much consciousness they keep hitting me till I'm probably almost dead,

"Stop! Okay we went to far she's bleeding to much she's almost dead we almost killed her!" I hear someone scream

And then I fall out of consciousness I'm dead I believe it that's what I feel I feel like I'm alone but then again I have this feeling every day at this time it's so much worse and I can't do anything about it...

But then I know I'm still alive fuck I wanted to die.

___________________________There is the second chapter!

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-izzy :-)

You and You (L.H bully fanfiction) (5sos) #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now