10. My wondeland

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Yay tenth chapter!!!

I grab the cash witch happens to be a $5 bill I'm not the one to keep coins, I hand it to the Pale seller and look up.
My heart nearly comes out of its cheat when I see who it is.
I gasped, a but to loudly.
The cashier finally look up to me.
"oh hey Delilah what up?" Michael said as if nothing happend.
Are you fucking kidding me?
"Michael" I nod Calmly, grab my change and go.
I love how he acts as if he never made my life a shitty pit of hell, like really if rather him say something stupid then do that honestly.


Delilah pov
I walk out of the petrol station, my lungs filling with the smell of petrol and car exhaust.
But I stop when I hear my name being called
"Delilah!, Delilah" someone frantically shouts, I know that voice all to well. It the other quiet one Ashton, are you kidding me 2 in one fucking day.
I don't turn around, but instead throw my skateboard on the ground, and push myself as fast as I could physically go, literally.
Im pretty sure I nearly fell of like 10 times.

Ashton was one of the guys like calum didn't ever throw a punch or an insult, if anything he was nicer then calum, Luke and Michael.
I'm pretty sure that I said Calum was the nicest but Ashton never even through a fake punch he would just stand there or kick the air or something.

I let out a loud puff of air as soon as I slowly roll to a stop, tired of having to go so fast in this heat. I open the front door to be greeted with a rush of cold refreshing air.
I close the door making sure I lock it, and go up stairs to my room to read of cause.
I sit on my bed with my blinds open looking out occasionally if I see a family walk past, I glue viscous dark glares to the back of there heads, only because I'm jealous, I wish I had family and friends or even a dog
A dog!
I'll get a dog to keep me company because I don't go to school, I dropped out of school only because I didn't need the grades, I dyed the tips of my hair dark blue and purple and it isn't fading like it should be, I get dressed up nicely when I go out because I don't go out and I'm really self conscious... As you may have noticed.

I come out off my trance on the window, when I hear a loud knock, I must have been here for what? Half an hour just staring out the window with envy in my eyes.
I slowly and cautiously walk down the steps.
And slowly unlock the door, giving a loud groan
"What do you want?!" I spit
"If I was you I would be asking me how I got here in the first place" Ashton gives a chuckle.
"Fine. How'd you get here?" I roll my eyes and his cheeky attitude
"I followed you on my skateboard, stalked you for half an hour and finally got the guts to come here and apologise" he gives a serious look
"I have had enough of you guys for 1 1/2 weeks just leave me alone" I groan
"But I wanted to apologise-"
"Leave" I say with an unamused look. He pursed his lips, gave me a slight nod and walks up my drive way.

Now what was I doing?
My secret
My get away

My wonderland

I kinda like this one and she just dropped out of school after being in the hospital for 2 weeks she decided she didn't need it since she was 18
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Luke pov coming soon!!!


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