22. Regret

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It was fucking 45 degrees today! I nearly melted

Luke's pov

I fucked her up real bad, she hadn't had I ice creams since my 15th birthday party! 3 years ago.

We had finished ordering our ice cream and now we were now taking our ice cream to the park so that we could eating in peace and with the fresh air brushing our noses in the sun.

We were now sitting on the grass, as I began to eat my ice cream witch was mint chocolate btw, Delilah look at me and started to eat hers as well obviously a little hesitant.

Delilah hummed in appreciation, enjoying the taste of the sweet, frozen treat.
"Good?" I question with my eye brows raised.
She nods "I can't believe I haven't eaten this in 3 years, honestly the best thing in the world" she giggles like a child.
I laugh loudly and poke her in the side causing her to giggle again, I haven't heard her giggle in years it sounds like heaven (I know I sound gross and mushy but it's true)
Her giggle could light up a whole town, it warms my heart knowing that I Made her laugh, like I use to.

After a while I start to get bored of my flavor in ice cream and I lean on Delilah and snatch her cone Out of her hand and lick it I hum in aw at the flavor; honey comb.
"Hey!" she exclaims
"Yeah?" I question knowing well why she said it.
"That's mine" she pouted, aww
"Awww here have some of mine" I say and hand her over my cone, she rolls her eyes but licks it anyway.

I sigh heavily, letting myself fall on to the couch, a day with Delilah.
I've had to be so nice to her today and it feels so...weird or foreign.
I'm not to sure if I like it either, it all just sounds like some clićhe, romance fiction or book; ew.
I left Delilah alone at her house, after her saying that she was tired and needed sleep or something along the lines.

Zoning out of my day dream when my phone blares green day American idiot, not bothering to check the I.D I answers my phone.
"Hello" I answer nonchalantly
"Sup fucker!" Screams a girly voice in a high pitch, I sigh immediately... Kaylee.
"What do you want kaylee?" I reply monotonous.
"Wanted to know if you wanted to come to a party tonight at 7?" Her high pitch voice rings through the receiver.
"Ummm" I ponder, not sure if it's the best idea.
"Luke it's gonna be like every other party you always go to" she begs, it's true I go to party at least 2 times every two weeks, you see me and kaylee had a thing about two months ago and it was honestly the worst mistake I've made.
But it was fun either way, all we ever really did was fuck, make out, occasional cuddle and fuck. She was a skank, heavy caked face, short skirts, stilettos and red lipstick (A.N true fans would under stand;)
We would just be crazy kids, with to many hormones we were... Unpredictable really.
But she cheated on me with a school cock... Oops meant to say jock*
I didn't mind really, I had cheated on her to many times, either at party's or school or because kaylee didn't giver want I wanted.
It was a mutual break up, we had no feeling but lust.ew.
"Alright" I sigh
I hope I don't regret this.

Sorry it tools so long power went out today bye I right chapters on the spans of two day sometime, it was 45 degrees on Sunday.
Just a filler.
Hope you enjoy.
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Six for updating late power failure just happened


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