Part 2

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Izus pov

I woke up in pain again like I usually do, but today was worse than usual. Slowly I sat up and walked to the bathroom seeing all of the bandages are bloody now. I start to peel them off of me and walk to the shower taking a quick cold shower, only because I wasn't allowed warm water, afterwards I rebandage my back. Getting dressed was a challenge but I was able to do it. I slip on my socks and shoes and go up the steps to see if my birth giver unlocked my door, seeing that she didn't I let out a quiet groan and walk back down and look at the windows to see if I could climb out of one or not. Seeing one that was just slightly bigger than the rest I grab a small chair and stand on it to unlock the window.

Once done I grab my bag and pack everything that I wanted, which isn't really much. I push my bag out first and slowly pull myself up and out of the window with much struggle. Once finally out I push the window back down and put on my backpack before making my way down the street mainly using the backways and alleyways. That way I wasn't seen on the main road. As I got more into the abandoned part of town I started to think about what to do that now I was finally out of her grip.

I still wanted to be a hero but I doubt that I could get into any hero school, especially with being homeless, I could go into being a vigilante now that's a thought.

As I kept thinking more and more about it I find myself standing in front of an abandoned budling, looking up, I see mostly broken windows but that's really the only thing wrong other than a little wear on the building from age. Going inside I keep an eye out for anybody that could have already claimed this. Seeing no one I go to the room with the least amount of broken windows. Setting my bag down I somewhat cleaned up the room and sat against the wall.

I kept thinking about the vigilante thing and I decided to do it. I knew I still wanted to save people and my birth giver and being quirkless won't stop me from getting that. Grabbing my bag I go back down to the main floor and out the door. I walk around seeing if I could find anywhere to train and get more muscle. I find a rundown beach. Thinking it would be the perfect place I put down my bag somewhat hiding it from plain view.

I stretched and started to do a light workout of push-ups and sit-ups and running along the beach. I found out very quickly that I wasn't in good shape at all. I had to slow down many times before I decided I was done for the day.

Time skip

I kept going down to the beach every day to work out. I was starting to finally see some results show and I was happy that it was finally beginning to pay off. As I was walking back to the abandoned building I got surrounded by a group of older men. They demanded that I give them money and when I told them I didn't have any they didn't believe me. Dragging me into an alley they slammed me against the way and started to hit me. I tried to get them to stop even getting a couple of hits every now and then. One of them hit me in the head and I slam down onto the group. I could feel the blood start to leave my head and join the dirty ground.

When the guys saw that my head was bleeding they quickly left to not be blamed for killing a kid. I raised my hand to my head and felt blood immediately cover my hand and start to go down my arm. Grabbing my bag I slowly made my way back to the building and to the room I claimed. Sitting down I could tell that my head wound was a lot worse than I thought. Sighing I sit back thinking that this might be it, that I might die from blood loss before I could even help anyone, before I could explain to Kacchan on why I left. Feeling my head start to hurt more and feeling a dull feeling wash over me I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep. Thinking this was the end.

Jolting awake. I sat up, panting I look around and see no one. I bring a hand up to my head and I don't feel a wound I become even more confused, I thought I was going to die, yet here I am awake and for some reason, my wound is completely healed. Looking outside I see it's the next day and I become even more curious. Taking off my shirt I undo my bandages and see that the wounds on my back are also completely healed just leaving scar wounds. 'is this my quirk? Did it just take almost dying for it to activate? I knew some quirks took certain things to activate it, but seriously dying is mine. I sigh but grab a notebook from my bag and start to write everything down.

I knew that it was a type of healing quirk but I also felt like it was something more than just healing. Thinking more and more about it I log type thing popped up in my head. One of the options was to see a log of quirks I press that and see a lot of quirks that I've already seen. Looking at them I decided to think about one that isn't in there. A creation quirk, thinking about all of the details I feel something wash over me and I see that it was the creation quirk being made. I could make quirks and use them.

Time skip

That entire week I kept thinking about my new quirk or quirks. I had messed with it all week and was thinking about how I could use this to my advantage. I decided to make an appearance changer quirk and I use it to make my hair a little bit straighter and shorter with a fade on both sides and back. Also, I made my hair a little bit lighter kinda like pastel green instead of dark green. I also give myself more scattered freckles and make the prominent freckles a little less dark.

Once done I make myself some new clothes just some black sweatpants and a black shirt. Through the next week, I started to train with my quirks making sure that no one else was around so I couldn't get charged for using them illegally.

Time skip [he was nine during all of this] [now he's 14]

Sitting on the edge of the roof I think about what has happened since running away. Well, it's been 6 years since I ran away it had been 5 years since becoming a vigilante, and slowly through the ranks I had raised to the most popular vigilante in Japan. I had stopped so many crimes since then and felt so happy. Yes, it could be better I could have a family and my mental health is still crap but from what I came from it's definitely a lot better.

Hearing noises behind me I look back and see Eraserhead. I knew nedzu was with him, but for now, I just stared at him. " I just want to talk please don't run" I decide to play into whatever this is and agreed to talk as long as nedzu came out of hiding. He looked surprised that I knew nedzu was with him, but eventually, nedzu hopped out and was grinning. We all sat in silence for a little before nedzu brings out a chessboard and places it between him and me. We start to play. "I want you to join UA next year" I freeze staring at him in shock. After thinking about it for a while and thinking about the pros and cons I finally decided to give in. "fine but I have some conditions, I want to still be able to do my vigilante work and I want to be able to leave when I want to" "that can be done" nedzu responds with "fine ill go with you. So where am I staying" I ask as I place down my queen "Checkmate," I say right after. Both nedzu and Eraserhead look at me in shock. I smile a little "Well I can adopt you but it will probably be better for you to stay with Aizawa for a bit that way you can get used to being around more people. Plus they have a son around your age that I think you'll like."

[yes nedzu is playing matchmaker leave me alone]

We all agree that nedzu will adopt me and I'll stay with Eraserhead for a bit. Once we all agree I stand up and show them my quirk, they stare in shock and ask a couple of questions before we head off. Dropping off nedzu at ua on the way back to Eraserheads house. He told me his real name and everything like that. I smile thinking that this might turn things around.

also, he's going to call aizawa and yamada dad and papa and he's gonna call nedzu dadzu

Thank you for reading I hope you all enjoy the new part

Have a good day/night

Bye bye

Word count 1599

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