Since it had been like that, we stayed for another hour for after-dinner activities until everyone gradually came back to their chambers. Father sent me to my bedroom himself together with Xenon.

"You better not leave your room." There was apparent agitation with the inconvenience. "And you, guard her well. You better show me what you are paid for," he uttered while pointing to Xenon.

The relentless storm didn't seem to stop but it gradually did. I was still fully awake when there was only the soft pitter-patter of water outside. It went for a while more and finally stopped. The night became silent and I still could not sleep. My head hurt and I feel numb. 

I stared at the wooden canopy above me, growing weaker every second.

It went on until I could not take it anymore. The pain was incessant and agonizingly painful every minute it lapped. I wore my robe and staggered through the door. Xenon was outside standing, unmoved.


He faced her and must have seen my horrible state. My head was surely a mess from the restless moving and I did not even properly tie my robe on.

"Are you well, Princess?" he asked as I steadied myself at the door.

"I need a favor..." I paused, even talking had become difficult.

"I'll be right back, Princess," said Xenon right after he realized something.

He, then, rushed off to the hallway, probably to get me medicine. That was another commendable quality of Xenon. He knew what he needed to do with no further questions and could easily read the situation or else how would he survive in the palms of my father. Hopefully, he would come back much faster before this splitting headache became worse.


When I twisted back to see who it was, I almost gaped at the unmistakable figure of Willow. She was only wearing a nightgown and was grinning at me. I briskly locked the chamber door and opened the balcony one. The balconies of the guest room had only a short distance so she might have used it to come here.

I guessed the physical capacity was also enhanced by the magic. Here I thought it was the result of the vigorous training from Night.

"What are you doing, Willow?"

I winced. Drat. That really hurt.

"Let's go somewhere fun!" She declared, those violet orbs showing her enthusiasm.

"Is this... Is this an appropriate time for a lady to wander?"

The words should be also applied to me but I didn't care. I wanted to go to sleep but my body refused. It felt like not just my head but my body was split into two.

"Don't worry about Xenon. I could not sense him," said Willow confidently.

"He'll be back," I mumbled, dragging my voice out.

"It'll be fine. Look! My name is Illisha, awaken."

Suddenly, her body became a mirage. If she didn't say the incantation, I would have sworn my headache was becoming worse that I was seeing double.

"Isn't this amazing?" asked the two Willows simultaneously.

Ah. My head. It thumped like crazy and I groggily sat down, feeling faint. 

"Are you okay?"

She probably understood it now when I could not even respond right away. Sometimes, Willow could be really oblivious and this was those times. She dispelled her magic in a snap.

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