Chapter 31

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Im sorry guys for whats about to come...


Rebeccas POV

As I was in the store getting out new headsets for recordings, I got a phone call.

"Mrs. Flynn?" A woman asked. "Yes? Who is this?" I asked. "Somethings happened to Mrs. Dilone" The woman replied.

Oh no.

Everything went in slow motion that moment as I dropped the box the my hands. I burst out the doors to run out in the parking lot. I got in my car as quick as I could and sped off. I picked up my phone and started to call Tyler. "Yellow" he replied. "Tyler there is no time for this! Somethings up with Chandler!!" I said very impatiently. "Ill be there in five" he replied hanging up.

I parked in the parking lot and ran off to the hospital doors.

Tylers POV
*Man, its been a while.*

As soon as I hung up I turned back to the camera. "Sorry guys, there is a VERY inportant thing I have to go to! Peace" I finished the recording and headed out.

Time Skipps of Captain Skipps.

I got into the lobby to see Rebecca sitting there with her hands in her face. "Becs?" I said to get her attention. Her head shot straight up to face me. Her face was streaked with tears and her eyes were all red and puffy. She ran to me and hugged the potatos out of me. I did not hesitate to hug back. "Her...C-condition..w-worsened" she said between sobs. I kissed her head and lead her over to sit down.

Rebeccas POV Before Tyler came

I burst through the doors. The nurse at the desk saw me and pointed in a direction. I walked throught the hallway, passdd some nurses and paitents in wheelchairs, and finally reached her door. I opened the door to be welcomed by a doctor. "Ah hello, you must be Rebecca Flynn. Im Doctor Ramson" the doctor introduced. "How is she?!" I asked with a worried look on my face. "Her breathing and heartbeats are faint, and if she dosent wake up by midnight, we have to pull the plug" he replied.

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