Chapter 34

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Well, its ending soon.. but I decided to skip the vows and go onto the I dos..


Rebeccas POV

"And you Rebecca Marie Jones promise to love and cherish Josh Tyler (I forgot his last name.. dont kills me plz.) Dean for as long as you both shall live?" The prist asked. "I do" I smiled. "And do you Josh Tyler Dean promise to love and cherish Rebecca Marie Jones as long as you both shall live?" He asked him. "I do" he smiled down on my. "I now pronounce you both, Husband and Wife you may kiss the bride" the prist smiled and stepped back. I slowly leaned in as I thought, a whole new life was ahead of me. A house, a family-.


Tylers POV
(Its been a while)

"You may now kiss the bride" he stepped back. I leaned in as a whole new life flashed before me. But then, the worst sound and thing happened.


Becca was shot through the heart. She took one last look at me before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and fell to the ground. "NO!" I screamed as  loud as I could. I fell down with her and hugged her bleeding corpse close to me.

Chandler and a couple others screamed in pain and agony. "No, no, no please no..." I sobbed into her hair. "NO! REBECCA!" I heard her father scream. I looked up to see her killer.

Her mother.

"YOU! YOU TOOK MY BESTFRIEND AWAY FROM ME! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Chandler screamed in her smirking face. "I finally got rid of the stupid ugly ass bitch, you should thank me!" She smirked. I sobbed louder and hugged her closer.

My love,

My bestfriend,

My everything is gone.

Everything I wanted with her was gone. A family, a life, all the things I wanted to do or see, is gone.

Chandlers POV

After I finished screaming in her mothers smirking, evil, vile face. I sobbed in Adams chest. He hugged me as close as he could. He sobbed into my hair as I sobbed into his chest.


"Tyler, eat something.." Jerome asked. I shook my head. He sighed. I havent eaten much at all, after what happened.

We went to the funeral of course, but during the will, this happened


"Ok, now we may read the will?" The hearing guy asked me. I nodded and wiped my tears. I wasent really paying attention, but when it came to Chandler and Adam I snapped my head up. "For my dear friend and sister I want you both to have the happiest life and always remember the good times" the hearing person said. "As for my love Tyler, who I love and shall cherish, I want you to never forget me and try to find another" I could never find another. She was my one and only.

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