Chappie 23

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OMFG I GOT 1K ON HERE!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! Im im gonna cry... ;D Im so happy that im gonna struggle to make this the best god grabbin chappie ever!!!!


Rebeccas POV

We were finshed filming Da Hunger Deens when the doorbell rang. "WHO IS IT?!" I yelled from my seat. "A FURRY BACCA AND HIS OTHERS!" a voice answered. "Come in its open!!!" i yelled. " get off your butt! We gotz prizza" he answered. "But i dunt want tooo" i groaned. "TYLER! GET DA DOOR!!!" i yelled. He called me a lazy tato, and I answered with a thank ou and he answered the door. 

YouTube University (YouTuber fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora