Chappie 28

62 3 0

Listen to Say Something by a great big world.


Adams POV

I was alone, Rebecca and Tyler were asleep and I was awake. I had tears strolling down my cheeks, my hair was a mess, and I was freaking just an emotinal blob. The guys came by a few hours ago, but they had to leave. I would not leave her side. They told me to go home and rest, No. "Chandler, i know you cant possibly hear me, but i want you to know this. I cant possibly think im actually gonna say this but, I love you. No one believes in love at first sight but, it happened, I miss you, I miss your laugh, Smile, jokes, and just you in general. I know you can get through this, I know and believe that you can get through this. Just Please, Say Something..." I said with more sobs racking from my body.

Chandlers POV

I heard you Adam... I love you too♥


Gosh, sorry for the short chapters im just trying to keep up with this stuff, yeah and im skyping this lovely lady who hates me because of What happened with Chandler,



Peace freaks!

~Jess Out~

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