A/N people...

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Hey guys I forgot to describe Rebecca so...lets do that naw.

Name: Rebecca Marie Jones

Age:18.   19 on New Years

Birthday: on new years

Appearance: Her hair is always purple, blue, and green. Her eyes are diffrent: one eye is grey and the other is sky blue. She is tan and ALWAYS wears beanies.

Lives: She lived in Texas but moved to California at 12

Likes: She likes strawberrys and Chocolate. She likes Surfing, singing to herself, gaming, youtube, and reading.

Dislikes: Her mom, bullies, mushrooms, boring people, and her ex boyfriend.

Personality: Fun, funny, cute, adorable, and awesome.

Backstory: She has a real bad past. She would always cut. Her mother hated her because she was never normal. She had a 'boyfriend' who treated her worse. But one day she was getting beated by her mother because of the 'boyfriend' thing, when her dad and sister came home. They never knew she was beat for no reason. They soon divorsed and her mother was sent to jailzies. Soon bullying got to be a problem at school. She only had 3 friends who stood up for her. She cut every day because of the bullying. *Awesome back storeh or nahhh*

Friends: Keith, Maggie, Jeromee *yes ASF*

Well guys that's all about her. So enjoy? And wait for more MUAHAHAH- *gets hit with another duck. SERIOUSLY?!?! ANOTHER DUCK!!!! Anyway

                                                  ~Jess out~

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