Chapter 16

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Man so much DW I reaaaaaaaallly wanna watch it but ill get in trouble. :[ #TheStrugglesReal


Rebeccas POV

Today was day 10 of my bullying. I never told ANYONE! Not even my doggie Fluffers. I was bullied by Antveom, Captin Sparkles, Jocelyn *Tys gf*, and believe it or nah Ssunde. But derpy ssunde would always cheer me up with a cake saying 'Do YoU kNoW hOw LoNg It ToOk Me To MaKe ThIs CaKe?!'

( in this story Ian has a twin Derpy Ssunde ).

I ran to my room and into the bathroom. I took out thw razor and cut my arm repeting the things they said,

'Ugly' one.

'Worthless' two.

'Un wanted' three.

'waste of air' four.

I kept going until I had no skin left on my arm. I teied to quickly get up and wrap a gauze around my arm, but failed. I fell and then it all went black.

Derpy Ssundes POV

"WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO HER!" I yelled weirdly at him. "I don't know what your talking about" he said sternly. "Mom and Dad would be ashamed. ASHAMED!" I still said weirdly. "DONT YOU DARE SPEAK OF MOM AND DAD!" he yelled. "WELL THEY WOULD!" I yelled. I felt something burn and sting on my cheek. He slapped me.

"Oh my- DS I'm so sor-" before he could finish I slamed the door and ran to Becs.

Ians POV

I. Slapped. Him. Oh my gawd, what am I turning into! I never wanted to hate on Rebecca but...they made me. They said youll never see your brother again, if you don't join us. (Sorry guys but I'm making short POVS because I have an idea on the loose. It keeps bouncing away )

Derpy Ssundes POV

I ran inside Beccas dorm and yelled her name. "BECCA WHERE ARE YOU BECCA?"

No answer. I checked everywhere, the bedroom, the kitchen, the balcony, the living room, and the laundrey room. My last hope was the bathroom. "Hey Becs you there?" I asked. Nothing. "Open, Please?" I asked again more worried. Nothing still. I kicked the door down because I dont ask three times. When I walked in I saw Rebecca surrounded by blood and a razor. I then quickly called Chandler.






Guys I'm reaaaaaaaally tierd so imma go to sleep so




                    ~Jess Out~

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