Chappie 29

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Okay guys might be short because I have a recital tonight!


Chandlers POV

I looked up from where I was, and saw the strangest thing. I saw Adam asleep by someone, Rebecca asleep in Tylers arms, and Tyler asleep holding Rebecca close. I stood up from the floor I was on apparently, and walked over to the bed. I looked closer to the person Adam was sleeping so close to and saw it was, ME!

No, no, no, no!!! This cant be happening!!! Im right here! Not there! No please! Dont let this be me... Please let this be some horrible nightmare.

I freaked out over and over til I realized something, Im either dead, or Im a Ghost.

I tapped Adams shoulder and it felt like I was touching nothing. "Adam..?" I asked. "Adam! Wake Up Im Right HERE!!!!" I shouted. I walked over to Rebecca and Tyler and tried to wake them, but nothing.

Im a Ghost.

I have to deal with their suffering.

Seeing them like this.

I cant do a thing about it.


Right! So Im planning on doing this like If I Stay, because I read the book, and may I say, AMAZING! I loved it so much! So yeah Im planning on doing that with this exept no flashbacks.

Peace Freaks!

~Jess Out~

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