Chapter Thirty Nine

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It became a bit awkward sitting down for family dinners and having Negan beside me, but like I told Daryl if anyone has a problem with it then they deal with it. I was only two months pregnant and Jesus was panicking about every little thing while Negan on the other hand, had everything sorted. I was sitting nervously outside the doctors office as Negan sat beside me " Don't worry sweetheart, everything is going to be fine" the door burst open and Jesus came in panting " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be late". " The hell are you doing here?" Negan asked " I came to see my child" Negan laughed but thankfully the doctor called my babe before a fight could break out.

I lowered my skirt a little so the doctor could pour the blue gel on my stomach. I held both Negan and Jesus' hand nervously as the doctor searched for my baby. " Ah there it is" he said as he pointed to the tiny black dot the screen, " That's my baby?" " Yes it is, your still in your first trimester so the baby is going to be tiny till the middle of the second trimester, but from what I can see your baby is very healthy". I sighed as I got into our shared home, for now. " I can't believe how tiny it is, it's so small and within less than a year it's gonna be a person. A perfect mix of both me and you Mia". Jesus pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but smile, "mmmh" we both turned to Negan confused.

" I'd appreciate it if you didn't hold my girl like that" " Negan" " Why? You scared I'll take her away from you, again" Jesus spat. " Paul please" " Oh no I'm not worried about that, I mean you are the one who cheated on her with a guy". Negan and Jesus were slowly stepping closer and closer to each other " I think you forget, that baby inside of her is mine. Just like the last time pal" " Watch yourself" Negan spat. Shit seems like Paul struck a nerve " To me it seems like Mia is always gonna carry my babies, you'll probably be dead before you get a chance to get her pregnant, you old fool".

I saw a twitch in Negan and gasped when he swung a punch at Paul, catching him straight in the face. They both started beating each other while I could only scream at them to stop " Aaron!!" I called upstairs and he came running down. Aaron grabbed Negan and threw him at the wall before standing in between the two men, " What the fuck?!" I screamed at them. " The punch needed to be thought a lesson" Negan panted " Oh I did?" " Both of you shut up!" Everyone went quite as they looked at me.

" This is ridiculous, Paul yes I am carrying your child but what you said went too fucking far. And you" I said turning to Negan " Just because I'm dating you doesn't give the god damn right to not let me hug my friends. Yes your my boyfriend and you will be a father figure to my child but you are not its father and you do not control my life". I looked between them both " At this stage if you keep fighting like this I'll have none of you in my life or my babies, and I swear on my mother, brother and fathers graves. I'll make sure none of you meet my child or find me again if this shit keeps happening, do you understand me?" They didn't speak " Do you understand me!!" " Yes, I'm sorry Mia" Paul said " I'm sorry too, I didn't mean for anything like this to happen".

Negan put his hand on my shoulder and I pushed it off before sighing " I'll see you guys later". I pushed past the three men and into the small city looking for some friends, " Hey Small fry, what ya doing out here?" Daryl asked coming up to me " I needed to get out of that house" " Again?" " Again, no matter what they won't stop fighting" I sighed. " Well have you thought that they fight all the time because they both love you, and because they both want to be the father of your child" I stopped before looking at Daryl " No I never thought of that. But Jesus left me" " Doesn't mean he stopped loving you" I sighed as I sat down on a bench " Why does it have to be so complicated?" " It ain't have to be, hell your the one there fighting over. Put them in their place, make them see that your the one in control and in charge of both their asses. Don't give up just because two idiots are trying to play alpha".

I nodded as I smiled at Daryl " Thanks Daryl, it helps" " You ever need me you just tell me, I promised your dad I'd look after you and Judith and I intend to keep that promise" " Thank you Daryl" I smiled before throwing my arms around him. " My dad couldn't have had a better friend" " Now don't be getting all soppy on me, your Mia Grimes your tough as nails. No go back to those alpha idiots and sort them out, show them who the real person in charge is and make sure they cut that fighting shit out or they'll both have to deal with me". I laughed a little before smiling at Daryl " Thanks Daryl, I love you" I said as I hugged him tight " Wish me luck" I jokes as I turned on my heel and made my way back to that dumb house " Daryls right I got to sort these boys out and make them act like men. Or nobody and I mean nobody is getting to be a father to my child, I thought to myself and my god did I mean it. I didn't want two idiots trying to raise a child with, I want two men who will work together to help me, and that's what I'll make them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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