Chapter Thirty Two

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I paced around my room for hours waiting for Negan, I had guards at the gates, down the roads, every way I could think of that Negan could come from. I informed the factory that I'd be in charge while Negan's way which made a few, including Simon, very pissed. " Why you?!" " Because I'm his wife" " Yeah like the ninth, why didn't he put one of his men in charge?" " Because I don't need to be a man to beat your sorry ass, Negan put me in charge for a few hours grow some balls and get over it. Now back to work". I stayed in Negan's office doing paper work and whatever else could keep my mind off of his safety.

It was after nightfall and he wasn't back, which then turned into the next morning to which he still wasn't back. I called a meeting so everyone knew I was still in charge when some of his saviours were getting  angry. " No. You've been in charge long enough, we all know your just Negan's little toy" Simon said as he grabbed my neck, staring down at me " Get your hands off of me you disgusting piece of shit" " Oh I'm a piece of shit". " Oh boo fucking whoo, the guy I've followed for years picked his new girlfriend to be in charge and not me, he chose his wife's side over mine" I mocked Simon " He married the enemy's daughter, get the fuck over it. If you haven't noticed our world is already dead so why the fuck does it matter who he married, one group doesn't want to do what you say, you poor pathetic baby. Get over yourself" I spat at Simon.

He squeezed my neck and flung me to the ground " From now on this is my factory. Negan became soft since he met this kid, he's too busy making sure she's happy instead of focusing on us and our plan to take over other groups and scaring them. Well today I say fuck that! We'll run this place without him, we'll make it better than he ever could. And we'll fuck his wife". I widened my eyes as I stared up at Simon as he towered over me " He thinks fucking you is a good idea, then we all get a turn".

" You're not serious?" I asked as I backed away " Oh completely" " Your gonna rape a nineteen year old girl to get back at your boss?" I asked mockingly as I stood up " You won't touch me Simon, your too scared of Negan for that, you respect him too much" " I respected him when he knew what he was doing, now? All he cares about is you. So I want to find out, is it cause he loves you? Is it old age finally getting him? Or is if because he likes that pussy between your legs?". Fear washed over me once he said those words, he was gonna rape me, " Don't touch me" I said, like I owned this place.

" Touch me and I swear you'll be one of those walkers on that fence" I warned him, he stared at me for a second before throwing his head back and laughing " You think your little threats scare me? Hell you were raped before, so I can do it again" I froze " How did you-" " I heard you telling Negan, how you were just a young girl, pulled from a car with your brother, both raped by some guys from a group your father murdered for touching you. But daddy's not here to save you this time" Simon whispered behind me " Neither is your hubby" " I'm not scared of you Simon, so do whatever you want. You'll be the one paying for it later".

You can imagine what happened next....

I woke up in a room, a tiny room. One they had Daryl in all that time ago, wearing nothing but my dirty, torn underwear. I groaned in pain as I sat up, I looked at my body to see bruises from his fingertips and scratches. I can't admit how scared I am or how scared I was, I wouldn't give Simon that satisfaction that he was right. No matter if he does it again, he'll never be truly satisfied until he knows he's broken me. The door suddenly opened and I saw one of Negan's most loyal men, not that Negan knew that. " I brought you some water ma'am" " Thank you" I said as I took the cold glass from his hand and let the cool liquid make its way down my sore throat.

" I'm on my way for supply runs now, but if I see Negan I'll bring him home to save you" " Thank you, now go before Simon sees you". I was stuck in that tiny room all day, no food or water was brought to me except for the glass the saviour gave me earlier, so I made it last, only taking the smallest drink when I really needed it. I don't know how many hours went by until I heard the door rattle, I stayed where I was I didn't want Simon thinking I was that scared of him that I would back away, or that I was trying too hard to be tough by standing.

I took a deep breath, ready to give him a piece of my mind once the door opened. When it finally did open, my mouth dropped " Negan?" I asked in disbelief. Negan stared at me, this look of shock and anger mixed into his face " Thank god your safe" I sighed as I threw my arms around him, he hugged me back and rubbed my head " Sorry doll, I'll explain it all to you later, but first tell me who did this to you" Negan asked me as he pulled away to examine my body up close " It was Simon". " That's all I need to hear", Negan gave me one of his white shirts as he took me outside.

Simon was surrounded by a bunch of saviours as they waited for Negan and I to come out. " So, you really thought you could take over my factory, and rape my wife and get away with it?" Negan asked as we both stopped in front of Simon " Well I don't know why you thought you could, but you can bet your ass I'm gonna kill you" Negan said slowly. " Go ahead kill me, kill the most loyal person in this factory" " Loyal?" Negan chuckled " Name one thing you did that was loyal, you raped my wife, you tried to take over my factory, you killed the junk yard people, you disobeyed all my orders. That's not loyalty" Negan said as he got in Simon's face, " But this guy" he stepped back and pointed to the savour who gave me water " Gave my girl water, went looking for me so I could take you down, told me everything you did and wanted to do, that is loyalty".

" Mia baby, what should we do with him?" " Well I did say I'd hang him on that fence if he touched me" " I like your thinking, come on doll, let's show everybody what happens to traitors".

THE WALKING DEAD - CARL'S LITTLE SISTER Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat