Chapter six

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After a few weeks we were still on the road, not only did we lose Beth but we also lost Tyreese too. Sasha has lost her mind she's been doing everything she can to kill walkers, Judith started crying " She's hungry" Daryl said " She's fine" dad said " I'm going to go scout, I'll find you soon" Daryl went off into the forest by himself as we continued to walk in the heat. Carl took his hat off and put it on Judith, after a while Daryl came back and we had attracted a few walkers. I took Judith and walked to the far end of the bridge while the others killed the walkers, we sat down back to back when we heard barking. We turned around and saw three dogs growling at us, Sasha stood up and shot them, we skinned and cooked them. It was the best thing we had eaten in weeks, even Judith liked it, we all fell asleep and when we woke up there was a bunch of water bottles behind us. " Dad?" " Don't drink it, we don't know who it's from, it could be drugged" Eugene stared at it then grabbed a bottle, Abraham smacked it out of his hand " Did you not just hear what he said?" " I'm sorry I haven't drank anything in days" as they were arguing it started to rain and we all smiled, Michonne took out some empty bottles and let the rain fill it up. The rain started to get heavier " We need shelter" dad said " There's a barn" Daryl said and we all followed him in, they took care of any walkers that were around and settled inside.

Daryl lit a fire and we all sat around it, Carl, Judith and I slept together peacefully until Daryl shouted. Everyone ran over to the door and kept it closed, I put Judith down at a safe distance from the fire and helped them keep it close. After a few hours the walkers seemed to stop so we all went back to sleep, when I woke up the next morning Judith was asleep on my chest and I was cuddled up to Carl. I slowly sat up making sure I didn't wake Carl or Judith when Maggie and Sasha walked in with a man " Rick we need to talk" " Who the hell is this?" " I'm Aaron" " And what do you want?" " I want to bring you and your people to a safe place". " What safe place?" Dad asked " I live in a place called Alexandrea, there's high walls all around the place, it's got a big population, lots of space, it's so big your baby could cry and not one walker would hear her" " This place sounds like a dream" I said " I felt the exact same way and I still do". " And how do you know about us?" " I've been following you, it's not anything bad my job in Alexandrea is to find new people to bring in" " Is there more of you?" Dad asked " Only one more, he drives the rv so we can take in big groups like yourself". " Tie him up!" Daryl tied him up and left him against the wall " Go out and look for this guy, be back in an hour".

I went to put Judith down when dad shook his head " No you stay with me" I nodded and played with Judith until she started crying, I started bouncing and rocking her but she started crying louder. " I have some apple sauce in my bag, she can eat it", I took the sauce out of his bag and put some on a spoon, dad took it off me and had it in Aaron's face. " You first" " Do you really think I'd poison you baby" " That's up to debate but if walkers come your the first one to go", Aaron eat the app live sauce and dad seemed satisfied. I sat on the floor and fed Judith the apple sauce which she ate fast might I add, I rested her on my chest and she fell asleep. A few minutes later everyone walked back in " He's telling the truth" " Ok then we'll go tonight", that night dad got into the car with Aaron, Glenn and Michonne while the rest of us got into the rv. " It feels strange to be in an rv again" I said " Yeah reminds me of Dale" Carl added " Hey you two stop been sad, be happy Dale is free and doesn't have to worry anymore" Daryl said, we both nodded until we came to a complete stop. " What's wrong?" Maggie asked " Their cars gone" " Just go to a safe place and we'll wait for them there", we drove off and got to a safe house. Daryl fired a flare gun into the air and waited outside for dad, Glenn, Michonne and Aaron.

Daryl knocked on the door and Maggie opened it, dad came in and hugged us " Are you three ok?" " We're fine, are you?" " I'm fine". " I think that's enough travelling tonight, we can do the rest tomorrow" Aaron said and walked into his boyfriend Eric. We slept on the floor and dreamt about how close we were to a community again. Dad woke us up and we got back into cars and the rv and drove to Alexandra, we drove up to a bunch of giant metal gates. We walked up to the gates and we slowly walked in, a small middle aged women came over to us and smiled " Welcome to Alexandra".
" My name is Deanna, I'm the leader of this place" " This place is amazing" I said looking around " Thank you my dear, and is this little one yours?" She asked looking at Judith in my arms " Oh no she's my little sister" " Well before I let you see your houses I'd like to interview you all and take your weapons, don't worry they go into the amo room and you get them back when you go on runs". After all the interviews were done we were shown to our houses, Carl and I went upstairs with Judith and looked around the house. " Carl they have a shower" " I'll take Judith, you go shower and I'll go in after you" Carl took Judith from me and I smiled " No I'll take her in with me, I can wash her while I'm in there" I took her and back and walked into the bathroom. I took off my cloths and Judith's, I turned on the shower and stepped under it with her once it was warm enough, I washed Judith first making sure her hair was scrubbed clean and making sure her body was clean from any dirt. I put her on the other side of the shower and gave her a sponge to play with while I showered, it felt so amazing to scrub off all of the dirt, I must have been in the shower for an hour. When I got out I wrapped myself and Judith in a towel and walked out of the bathroom " Hey Mia your room is the one on the right" Carl said covering his eyes " Thanks Carl" " A women left cloths for you and Judith in your room" " Thanks".

Carl walked into the bathroom and I walked into my room, I closed and locked the door and closed the blinds. I looked at the cloths on the bed and smiled, I dried Judith carefully and put a nappy on and her new cloths, I sat her on the floor and handed her a pillow as I got dressed. I dried my body and put on the new underwear and cloths that was left for me, I then dried my hair and brushed it. I walked out of the room with Judith when Carl walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he looked at me and smiled " You look really great" Carl said " Thanks Carl" I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before brushing Judith's. I walked downstairs and dad smiled at me " Mia you look beautiful", everyone turned around and smiled at me " That looks a lot better then before" Glenn laughed " You look so beautiful Mia, your really going to break some hearts" Michonne smiled. I looked at dad " Wow you cut your hair and beard" " Yeah it's great to have my face back" he laughed, after everyone had showered and changed except Daryl we all decided to go on a walk. They gave us a pram for Judith and I strapped her in and started walking with Carl, " This place seems great" I smiled " Yeah it does" " Maybe we can have a normal teenage life" " I hope that too but don't let your guard down" " I won't, I think we learned our lesson about putting our guard down".

" Oh my goodness is that a baby?" We heard an old women say, we smiled and walked over to her. " Hi" I smiled, she smiled back and looked at the baby " She's so beautiful, you two must be so proud", Carl and I looked at each other awkward " She's our little sister" Carl said " Oh I'm so sorry dear you two just look like a couple" " It's fine". After talking and looking around for about an hour we walked back home laughing " What's so funny?" Dad asked us " People keep thinking that Judith is our baby" Carl said, everyone looked at us with a smirk " Your joking" Maggie said " No, this one couple said that we should be proud for having such a beautiful baby" I said. " Ok well don't listen to them and do not have a baby together" Glenn laughed " Oh I forgot to tell you, that women from before said you two can hang out in her house today so you can meet her sons and make some friends" dad told us, he took Judith from my arms and told us the house number. We walked around and knocked on the door, Jessie opened and door and smiled " Hey I'm Jessie Anderson" " I'm Mia" " And I'm Carl" we smiled back " I'm guessing your dad sent you over, Ron!" A teenage boy came down the stairs and walked in " Ron this is Mia and Carl Grimes, Mia, Carl this is my son Ron" he smiled at us " Hi it's nice to meet you, follow me upstairs my friends are up here".

We followed Ron upstairs and he opened the door " Hey guys this is Mia and Carl" Ron said walking in, closing the door behind us. " This is Mikey and Enid" " Hi" I said shyly " Would you like to play video game? Maybe watch a movie?" Ron asked. Carl and I looked at each other and took a breath " Oh I'm sorry I forget this is all new to you" " No it's fine, yeah let's play some video games" Carl said walking over to the guys, I sat next to Enid on the bed and she looked at me. " Don't worry you'll fit right in, I'm here if you ever need a friend" she smiled slightly " Yeah you too" I smiled back " You and I are the only teenage girls" Enid said " Your kidding" " Nope, there's literally only us, the rest are boys" " I have a feeling your dating Ron" I said to her " Yeah" she said. " Carl your sister is hot" Mikey whispered " Dude that's my sister don't tell me that" Enid and I laughed " Mia have you ever kissed a guy?" Enid asked me loudly " I can't say I have" I smiled, everyone looked at me " No way" " You've really never kissed anyone?" Ron asked " The apocalypse started when I was nine and I've been out there until today so" I shrugged my shoulders. " You've had your first kiss right Carl?" Ron asked " Nope" Carl admitted " Ok we need to fix this now" Ron said " How?" I asked " Spin the bottle" Mikey said. Ron closed his door and took out an empty bottle " What's spin the bottle?" I asked " It's a kissing game, you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you kiss" Enid explained. We all sat on the floor in a circle " Why don't you go first Carl" Ron said putting the bottle in the middle of the circle, Carl nodded and spun the bottle and it landed on Enid. Enid looked at Ron and he nodded, Carl and Enid met in the middle of the circle and kissed each other for a few seconds, they sat back down and looked at me " Your turn Mia" I nodded and spun the bottle and it landed on Ron. Ron was sitting beside me and moved closer to me, he put his hand on my cheek " Relax" he whispered as he placed his lips on mine, we slowly kissed each other for a minute or two until he pulled away and sat down in his original spot.

Jessie walked in the room and smiled at us " Carl, Mia your dads downstairs to take you guys home" " Everyone else is staying over on Friday if you guys would like to come" Ron said " Yeah that would be cool" Carl said " Great, I'll see you in school". We walked downstairs and saw dad smiling at us " Hey how was it?" " It was good, we seem to have made friends" " You two are welcome anytime so please don't be afraid to come over" Jessie smiled " Thank you Mrs. Anderson" I smiled " It's no problem at all". We left and walked home, we finally have a plane to call home and I got my first kiss, I think I'm starting to like it here.

THE WALKING DEAD - CARL'S LITTLE SISTER Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora