Chapter twenty six

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I was sitting at the table eating breakfast when I felt someone rub my back " Umm that feels nice" " Your muscles are so tight" " I think it's just from the baby" " Don't worry she'll be here soon" Jesus smiled kissing my cheek. " Where's my dad?" " Talking to Maggie and Ezekiel outside, I think they're planning another attack today" " That's their third one this month" " If it gets this war finished faster I'm all for it, I won't have to worry about my family as much" " What do you mean?" " One of the things I'm most worried about is Negan taking you away from me again" " That won't happen Paul, I'm back home where I belong and I won't ever be back with that murderer".  " Morning" Carl said taking some of my food off my plate " Morning" " How you feeling today?" " Fat and sore, I can't wait for this baby to come out" " I can't wait to meet her" " We all can't, we got lucky when we found that baby centre, lot of food and clothes" " Not to mention we got some of Judith's old clothes".

" I see everyone's awake" Dad smiled walking in with everyone, " Your glowing more and more everyday Mia" Carol smiled " Thanks but I think that's just the sweat" I laughed. " Just think that's going to be you soon Maggie" " Yeah, I'm looking forward to it" " Don't, my feet are so swollen" " Come on she'll be out soon". " Soon isn't soon enough" " Least we rebuilt our walls" " Thankfully", " Come on we gotta go visit the next ambush spot, Jesus let's go" " I'll see you later" Jesus kissed my head and left. " So what do you want to do for the day?" " A walk sounds nice" " Come on then, we'll go for a walk" Carl helped me stand up and I wrapped my arm around his as we walked down the street. After walking and talking about mom and our other dead friends I stopped and grabbed Carl tight " You okay?" " Yeah, just a sharp pain" " Do you need anything?" " No I'm fine" I smiled. We continued walking and then I felt a pop and water hit the ground " Did I just wet myself?" " I have no idea" Carl looked really scared and I took his hand " It's okay Carl".

I smiled and he looked at me unsure " Do you need to sit down or?" " Carl, Mia are you okay? You look worried" Gabriel asked "We don't know if Mia wet herself or" " Ahh" I grabbed Carl and took a deep breath. " Mia do you feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen?" " Yes" " What does that mean?" Carl asked " That means the baby's coming". " What? But nobody's here! Carol was going to deliver the baby" " Carl help be get Mia to the hospital, we can radio Rick and everyone when we get there". Carl and Gabriel helped me get to the hospital and sat me down on the bed, Carl ran over to the walkie talkie and picked it up " Hello dad can you hear me?" " Yes is everything okay?" " No we have an emergency" " What's wrong?" " Mia's having the baby" " We'll be back as soon as we can!". After an hour the pain started coming every few seconds " Mia I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to help you deliver your baby" " I don't care just help" I said grabbing Carl's hand. Gabriel took off my jeans and underwear and put a towel underneat me on the bed, " Follow me Mia, follow my breaths" Carl said and I did " I need you to push" Gabriel said and I pushed and took deep breaths " That's good, keep going your doing great" after a few minutes the doors burst open to reveal everyone that left that morning.

Carol and Maggie took over from Gabriel and Jesus grabbed my hand as dad held up my head, " How far is she?" Dad asked " I can see the head coming" Carol said, " Okay deep breaths, in and out". " Big push Mia" I followed Carol and Maggie for a while until I did my last push and put my head back on the bed taking deep breaths. The baby started crying and Carol quickly took her to the sink and washed her as Jesus rubbed my head " You did amazing Mia" " Here's your baby" Carol smiled as she put my little baby on my chest. I smiled and kissed her head and started crying " You did Mia" dad smiled at me and kissed my head, " What you going to call her?" Maggie asked " Sasha" I said and everyone looked at me surprised and smiled " Perfect". " She's breathing quite fast don't you think?" " It usually happens sweetheart, their not use to breathing outside, she'll slow down don't worry".

Sasha started crying and Jesus smiled " Looks like someone's hungry" Dad and Carl turned around as I took my bra off and pulled my shirt up and started feeding her. " You can turn around", " Your mother would be so proud" dad said and I smiled. The door opened and Daryl walked in " What the hell is going on?" Dad stepped out of the way and Daryl's eyes widened " You had your baby" I nodded and he smiled " My little ass kicker had her baby".  A few hours later I started feeding Sasha while everyone came in and had dinner with me so I wouldn't feel lonely, a couple minutes into dinner I felt Sasha had stopped feeding. " That was a fast feed, you okay baby", I looked down and saw that Sasha wasn't moving, " Sasha?", everyone looked at me worried as I sat up and put my ear to her chest " She's not breathing" I cried and Carol took her and lied her on a separate bed as Jesus held me. Carol started doing cpr on Sasha and a few minutes later came back and put her in my arms " I'm so sorry for your loss" she said and I burst out crying.

I held her little body in my arms and cried as Jesus held me tight, everyone around me cried a little or looked really sad as I mourned my little baby girl. Dad took her out of my arms and put her on a separate bed and put a little white sheet over her body. Jesus pulled me into a hug and held me tight against his body, he didn't cry, he was trying to stay strong for me. The next day Jesus and I kissed our little baby goodbye and buried her next to the rest of her family members, Jesus and I both cried as Gabriel spoke from the bible and as the dirt was finished getting placed over her grave. " I'm sorry Mia" dad said " Its okay, she's in heaven with Glenn now", this has to be one of the worst days of my entire life.

I paced up and down my office " It's been two months since I lost her, we need to get her back, she will be giving birth any day now" " Don't worry sir, we'll get her back" " You assholes have been saying that for two months now and not once have I seen any result of that happening" " Maybe it would be better to just forget about her sir. I mean you have five other beautiful wife's that you could have a child with, why not just forget this one". I turned around and hit the guy in the head with Lucille " Because I'm not a bitch who would leave my child" I said as I beat him to death, " Anyone else got any ideas like him, no good. We are going to attack the hilltop tomorrow, knowing Rick he'll have everyone either at Alexandra or out planning and if I know Mia she'll be with that son of a bitch Jesus".

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