Chapter two

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Carl, Sophia and I were running around playing tag while the adults were having breakfast, I heard a noise and walked towards the bushes where I saw a walker and I screamed. Shane ran over and grabbed me and gave me to my mommy, while he went off with daddy, glen and Dale. After a minute or two they all came back with Daryl, I walked over to him " Hey Daryl" " Hey small fry" " What did you catch this time?" " I caught some squirrels, I'll let you eat some after I get Merle". " Mia is the only person Daryl and Merle actually like here" " Merle!, come out we got some cooking to do!" " Daryl we have to talk" daddy said walking over to Daryl " About what?" " Your brother was a danger to us all and I had no other choice, he would have gotten us killed" " Where's my brother?!" " I handcuffed him to a roof" Daddy, Daryl and Shane fought but made up and got ready to leave again. " Daddy I thought you promised you'd never leave again" " I know princess but daddy has to help get Daryl's brother, I'll be back later before you go to sleep I promise" daddy kissed my head and said his goodbye to mommy and Carl. " Carl, Mia you want to go hunt frogs?" " Yeah!" We both said and the three of us went down to the river and hunter for frogs, Carl and I were holding a bucket and Shane was trying to get the frogs over to us. We were having lots of fun until mommy called out to us " Carl! Mia! Come up and help with something" " Ok mommy!" We shouted and Shane helped us up the hill, mommy walked in front of Shane " Stay away from my kids, they're father is alive, they don't need you anymore" " For a while they were my kids" " They will never be your kids, they will always be Ricks". Mommy took my hand and Carl's and brought us over to Carol and Sophia " It's time to do some schooling" we all sat down at the table and did some maths and spelling until it was dinner time. I raced Carl to the table and I won which started us having a poking war, mommy stopped us and Shane smiled at us, we got fish and my eyes opened " We haven't had fish in weeks" I said " Well go on then pumpkin eat it" Shane said. I bit into the fish and smiled " This is so good" I ate all of my fish and rubbed my belly " Was that nice sweet heart?" Shane asked " Yeah it was amazing" " I'm glad you liked it" mommy said stroking my head " Mommy when's daddy coming home?" " He'll be here soon baby, don't worry".

We were sitting at the fire when we heard a scream, we turned and walkers were coming out of the woods at us. I screamed as mommy took Carl and I and Shane stood in front of us, Shane ran over to Dale to kill a walker when one grabbed my arm. I screamed and pushed the walker so it wouldn't bite me, it got closer to my arm until it dropped to the floor and I had blood on my face. Daddy ran over and wiped the blood off my face and hugged me " Daddy!" I cried and he picked me up " Shush it's ok, your safe now" I cried into daddy and soon all the walkers were dead. Daddy gave me to mommy and went over to Shane " What the hell was that?!" " I told you not to leave in case this happened?!" " I'm not taking about that?! Why did you leave my family?! While they were unarmed!?" " I only left for a second! Nothing happened their fine!" " Mia was almost bitten!! She was almost killed!" Daddy screamed in Shane's face. Shane looked at me in disbelief only to see blood over my face " I'm sorry Rick" " This is the last time this happens! You've been apart of my family for years Shane start protecting them, as if they were your own" " I already think of them as my own" " Then start protecting them". Daddy turned to everyone else " This place isn't safe anymore, we need to find another place" " Where?" Daryl asked " DC, there's a base there that is meant to be operational" " Rick we can't just leave and hope for the best" " Shane I know this place is operational we just need to get there, it's a safe place for the kids" " Was small fry really nearly bitten?" Daryl asked " Yes she was, she's so scared she won't speak to me" mommy said " Then I'm in" Daryl said " Me too" Dale agreed, soon everyone agreed, daddy kneeled down to me and took my hands " Hey princess, I promised I'd be back, how you feeling" I just looked at daddy and tears fell down my cheeks. Daddy pulled me into a hug and I cried, Carl came over and hugged me from behind " It's ok Mia I'll protect you" " Your a very good brother Carl". The next day we were got into cars and started driving to DC, mommy smiled at daddy " This reminds me of our trip to the Grand Canyon with Carl" "I don't remember that" Carl said " You wouldn't, you were just a baby, you got sick in the car" " I never knew a baby could throw up that much" daddy laughed " Ewww" " Eww indeed. But it was a good trip" " We should go again" " Can we go? To the Grand Canyon?" Sophia asked " We wouldn't go without you and your mother". We soon arrived in DC and we slowly walked around the dead bodies been careful not to make a sound. We got to the door and daddy knocked on the door, " Rick your making too much noise" Shane said " I know your in there let us in!!" Daddy shouted knocking on the door louder " Mommy they're coming" " Rick we have to go now!" Mommy shouted " Your killing us!!" We were getting dragged away when the door suddenly opened, we all ran inside and the man closed the door.

The man looked at us " If you have any things with you go get them now, once I close this door it's staying closed" everyone nodded, daddy, Shane, Daryl and Glenn ran out and got our stuff and ran back in. The man closed and locked the door " Follow me" we all followed the man and he led us to a bunch of rooms " We have got water, air conditioning, lights everything you need. Daryl ran into a room and we could hear the shower turn on, daddy, mommy, Carl and I walked into a room and put our bags down. Mommy walked into the bathroom and Carl and I played, an hour later mommy and daddy came out of the bathroom and daddy brought Carl into the bathroom to shower. Then mommy brought me in and we all had nice pjs to wear, we were sitting in a living room and were playing when I left to go to the bathroom, I saw Shane walking around with a beer bottle and hurried back to my mommy. " Mommy?" " Yes baby what is it?" " I'm not tired" " Come here then and I'll play with you until you are", I started walking over to mommy when I was grabbed and pulled up to someone, I turned and saw Shane looking at me smiling " Hey pumpkin, what's wrong? Can you not sleep?" I shook my head fast, I knew something was wrong and I looked at mommy for help " Shane give me my daughter" " No it's ok, I'll look after her for a while, and the two of us will have so much fun, isn't that right baby?" I looked at Shane scared as he held me tight against him " Ouch" I whined " Shane! Give me my daughter" Shane grabbed my face and kissed my head before giving me to my mommy. I held onto mommy as Carol walked in " Is everything ok?" " Everything's fine" Shane said " Carol can you bring Mia to bed please" " Yeah sure" Carol took my hand and we walked out of the room together. " Mia what was happening in there?" " Shane grabbed me and wouldn't let me go, mommy was telling him to give me back to her but he just held me tighter, he hurt me and kissed my head then gave me to mommy" " Let me see your side" I pulled up my night dress and it was red, " It's only a little red, in the morning we'll check again ok?" " Ok" " Now let's get you to bed".

We woke up the next morning for breakfast and Glenn looked really sick " Are you ok Glenn?" I asked " I'm fine" " He's fine baby just didn't get enough sleep". Shane walked in the room and he had scraps on his neck, he looked at me and I looked away scared, mommy noticed this and pulled me into her lap, I leaned in and said mommy my side hurts" " Let me have a look" mommy pulled my dress up and there was a bruise on my hip, daddy leaned in and his eyes went wide " How did you do that Mia?" " How did she do what?" Carol asked " She has a big bruise on her hip, come here baby". Daddy put me in front of him and looked at it " Did you walked into something?" I looked at Shane and he had a sad look in his eyes " Maybe she walked into something trying to get to the bathroom again" " Aww baby you need to be more careful " " Ok daddy" " Is there any more?" Daddy looked every where on me " Thank god that's the only one, be more careful ok princess" " Yes daddy" " Go get dressed and you can go play". I walked to my room and took out my cloths and put them on the bed, I took off my pjs and put on my underwear, top and jeans when Shane walked into the room and closed the door. I jumped back in surprise as he knelt down in front of me, he pulled my top up and saw the bruise, he put his hand on his mouth and looked at me " Mia I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" " It's ok it was an accident " Shane pulled me into a hug " You know I love you" " I love you too Shane" " Here let me help you get your shoes on" I sat on the bed as Shane put my socks and shoes on, he picked up my hair brush and lightly brushed it and put a pony tail in my hair. We started playing and tickling each other and I laughed when he gave me a jockey back. We looked at each other in the mirror " I wish you were mine" Shane mumbled.

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