Chapter twenty four

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My eyes went wide as I looked down at Negan " What?" " Will you marry me?" " Aren't I already marrying you?" " I've never got down on one knee and actually asked, this should show how much I like fact you could say love". Negan moved his hands up my arms and stroked my skin " So what do you say?" I looked at Negan still confused about what was happening " Are you serious ?" I asked " Of course I've never been more positive about something in my life". He put his hand on my cheek and I looked at him in the eyes as we were only a few inches from each other " So what do you say, will you marry me?" He might hurt me or my family if I say no, I could say yes then break it off when my dad finally kicks his ass, yeah I like that plan. I looked at Negan and nodded " Yeah?" " I'll marry you" I smiled and he hugged me " You have no idea how happy this is making me!" He put his hand behind my neck and pressed his lips against mine, I kissed him back and he pulled away smiling. He took my left hand and I looked down as I saw him slip a diamond ring on my finger " Your not my fiancé without a ring" he smiled, he picked me up and lied me on the bed, he hovered over me and started kissing me passionately. He moved his hand down my body and started kissing my neck " Negan no the baby" " The baby will be fine", " Please I don't want anything to happen to her" " What could possible happen? I want to celebrate my engagement properly" I nodded and he continued kissing my neck and moved his hands over my chest.

He pulled my shirt off and unclipped my bra leaving my breasts exposed, he moved his cold fingers over my nipple, hardening them and making me slightly turned on. He roughly kissed my neck and slowly moved his hands down my body and into my jeans, he pushed a finger inside me and started pumping me as I moaned, he pulled away and smiled down at me. " You are incredibly beautiful" he kissed my lips gently and started undressing himself, I moved my hands along his chest as he leaned down and started kissing me passionately. He moved his tongue around my mouth as he pushed himself into me, he pulled his mouth away and put his head on my chest as I put my head on his shoulder. He thrusted in and out of me, both of us moaning, I've learnt to just take it and try enjoy it as I don't know how long it will take before I'm actually free from Negan. He grabbed my hair right as we both climaxed, he looked down at me as sweat rolled down his face " I'm so glad I have you" he smiled and pulled out of me, laying beside me and pulling me closer to him, I think he's gone crazy, people like him don't fall in love.

A knock on the door interrupted us and Negan frowned " What?!" He shouted as Dwight came in from behind the door. " I'm sorry to disturb you sir but Eugene wants to see you about something" " Bring him in here then", Dwight stepped out of the way and Eugene walked in the door. He looked at Negan sitting up in the bed shirtless and me lying in the bed with the covers pulled up over my chest, " Oh I'm sorry sir I did not realise you were busy fornicating Mia" " Don't say it like that, that makes it sound disgusting! I would rather you say sex that is what it is after all". Negan smiled down at me " And it is the best" he winked, I sat up and wrapped my robe around me " Anyway what is it you want Mr. Smarty pants?" Negan said addressing the reason Eugene was standing in the room. " I came to ask for some better workers, mine  are slow and stupid, they don't know a word I'm saying half the time", " I don't really understand what your saying half the time, but don't worry I got you covered. I will make sure to get some of my smartest, fastest people to you, don't you worry" Negan smiled " Thank you sir" " Now get out".

" Yes sir" Eugene turned away then turned back to me " I can't wait to meet your baby" he smiled a little and left. " We all are, I can't wait to meet my little princess" Negan smiled " Come here baby" I slowly walked over to Negan as he wrapped his arms around me " We will be the cutest little family" Negan smiled " Now sadly I've got work to do so I can provide for you and my child I'll be back late so don't wait up" Negan said, he kissed my head and left. I sighed and sat down on the bed, I looked down at my hand and looked at the ring " I don't want this, I don't want to marry Negan. I wish Jesus was here". I stood up and walked into the bathroom, I took my robe off and stepped into the shower, the hot water hitting my body felt so good. I was enjoying every moment of it, I turned to get my face cloth when I slipped and fell, I screamed in pain and took deep breaths. I turned off the shower and started calling for help " HELP!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!" I screamed and after a few minutes Dwight burst in the bathroom and looked at me on the floor " Mia what happened?!" He asked as he wrapped a towel around me and helped me up " I turned to get my face cloth and I slipped".

" Don't worry I'll take you to the doctor and he can make sure your okay" " Thank you". Dwight helped me get dressed into a tank top and shorts and helped me walk to the doctors office, I clung onto Dwight " Dwight what if I lost the baby?" " I'm sure you didn't, you didn't land on your stomach" " But what if I did? I wouldn't be able to tell him I lost it, he'd hate me" " Mia I swear you did not hurt or lose your child, you just hurt yourself" Dwight reassured me and I nodded. The doctor opened the door and saw me " Mia? Your next appointment isn't for another two weeks what are you doing here?" " She fell in the shower and landed on her side. She hurt her wrist but I don't know how bad and if she hurt the baby" Dwight explained. " Oh come in and I'll check straight away", we walked in and Dwight helped me sit on the bed. The doctor started examining my wrist " Yeah you broke your wrist, I'll take care of that after I check the baby" I nodded as the doctor started checking and I held Dwight's hand tight " It'll be okay" he whispered to me. " Your baby's fine, luckily nothing happened she's perfectly healthy" " Oh thank god". " See I told you the baby would be fine" Dwight smiled slightly " Thank you so much Dwight" " Let me examine your wrist".

The doctor examined my wrist and put a cast on it " This is gonna have to stay on for a while, I'll check on it when you come in for your appointment, be careful Mia please" " I will, thank you". Dwight walked me back to my room and helped me lie on the bed " Is there anything I can get you? Food? Water?" He asked " Could you actually make me something to eat, if it's not too much trouble" " Don't be silly it's fine, any requests?" " I'm not sure". " I know a trick, when my sister was pregnant she never knew what to eat and one day I made her this and she loved it I'll be right back". Dwight disappeared into the kitchen and came back half an hour later " What is it?" I asked " It's avocado on toast with salmon and cream cheese, it actually tastes good" " Alright" I said as I picked up a piece and bit into it " Oh my god this is amazing" I said as I ate the thing as fast as I could. " Thank you for your help Dwight if you hadn't come in and found me I could have slipped trying to get up and hurt myself worse" " You don't need to thank me, I'll always help you out".

" I was wrong about you" I smiled " How so?" " Well when I first met you, two of my family members were killed and you had a cross bow to another but your so kind and caring. How did you end up being with Negan?" " To protect my family". " You'd do anything for them" " Just like you" " What do you-" " You came back with Negan and agreed to be his wife and your having his child just so he won't kill anyone" " I'd rather die myself then someone I love". " Your too good for this place, for Negan. You really do belong with that Jesus guy from the Hilltop maybe one day you could have his baby". I looked at Dwight a bit unsure if I should tell him or not " I already am" " What?", Dwight's head swung up as he looked at me " Please promise me you won't tell Negan or anybody else" " I swear on my wife" " This baby isn't Negan's it's Jesus' but until Negan gets taken down I'm pretending it's his to keep everyone safe" Dwight had a look on his face as he stared at me for a few seconds and he nodded " I understand". " Understand what?" We looked up and saw Negan walking in the door " What are you doing here Dwight? Shouldn't you be making sure everything is running smoothly in my place of work" " I was, I actually came up here to report to you but when I did I heard screaming from the bathroom so I came in and I saw Mia lying on the shower floor". " What?" Negan looked at me " She slipped in the shower and broke her wrist, thankfully the baby is still one hundred percent perfect and I've been taken care of her since" " Well thank you Dwight it means so much that you take care of my family for me in my absence" Negan said putting his hand over his heart " Anytime, I'll leave you two to it" Dwight said and left the room.

Negan looked at me and shook his head " Mia baby how?" " I was in the shower and I turned for a face cloth and I slipped" " Dwight took care of you?" " Yes he actually made me feel a lot better, especially in the doctors". Negan nodded and looked at the door " What?" I asked " I've been told that your people are stirring up shit, I heard that they got guns, a lot of guns" " I didn't know" " You go to sleep it's getting late" Negan stood up and left. I changed into some pyjamas and lied in bed, I prayed nobody was going to do anything stupid and I fell asleep, I was soon woken up to gun shots and I jumped up and walked into the corridor. I walked to the main room and saw Sasha " Sasha!" Sasha looked up and saw me " Mia, it's so good to see you" she said before she was dragged off. I went to Negan's room and knocked on the door, a sleepy Negan opened the door and looked at me confused " What's wrong?" I pushed my way into his room and stared at him " You have one of my people" " What? The girl who broke into my Sanctuary?" " Yes" " So?" " I swear to god you better look after her or else" " Or else what?" Negan smirked. I walked up to Negan and grabbed his hair " Or else I'll kill you" I said giving him a glare " You have the same look your dad gave me the first day we met" " Unlike my dad I won't hesitate to kill you" " I like it when your feisty" " I'm not being feisty I'm being serious I will kill you if anything happens to her or Eugene".

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