Chapter fifteen

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" We don't know that, it could just be the food" I said and brushed my teeth. " You know it's not the food" " I can hope can't I?" I shouted, I sat on the toilet and cried at the fact I have to face the reality that I might be pregnant. " I can't go through this again Carl" I cried, Carl knelt down in front of me and took my hands looking up at me. " Mia I swear I won't let that happen to you again, we can hide you somewhere Negan would never look and he'd give up on you" Carl said. " But what if he doesn't? What if he finds out?" I asked.

" Finds out what?" His voice called, I looked up to see Negan standing in the bathroom doorway staring at Carl and I. " She's scared to tell you she wants to stay here with her family" Carl glared at Negan, " She's gonna have to get over it, she's staying with me". I squeezed Carl's hands as tears fell down my face, Negan looked like he was examining the situation and a smile grew across his face. " You threw up, didn't you?" He asked, I put my head down and I heard him laugh " Kid number one is on its way!" Negan shouted.

" It could have been the food, or the fact that she's so stressed and nervous living with you!" Carl shouted. " Hey! This is a happy family moment don't ruin it" Negan warned. " We are not family" " Not yet". " He's not seeing anyone" we heard someone say downstairs, " I'll be right back" Negan said leaving and I fell to the floor. " Carl what are we gonna do?" I cried as he held me tight, " We can go to the hospital, maybe there's a test there" he said.

We ran outside and Negan grabbed my hand, " Woah baby where you going?" " To take a walk with Carl" I said. " Carl can do that himself, sit with me and Spencer, share the good news" he smiled. I looked at Carl and mouthed ' Go' to him and he took off, running down the street. " What good news?" Spencer asked as Negan sat me on his lap, " We're expecting our first baby" he smiled at me.

Spencer's face dropped, " What?" He asked. " What? You gotta problem with that?" Negan asked, " No it's amazing news, I just didn't expect to be so quickly" " Well I am good" Negan chuckled. After sitting on Negan's lap for a while Carl came back and walked into the house, I stood up but Negan pulled me back " Where you going?" " Let you two men talk, don't need a little women like me in your way" I said sweetly.

" Isn't she just the sweetest, I would like a game of pool" Negan started going on to Spencer and I went into the house. " Did you find one?" I asked and he nodded " Yeah, took a while though, I grabbed two just in case" Carl said. We both ran upstairs, I went into the bathroom and Carl waited outside. I peed on two of the sticks and put them on the toilet seat and waited. When two minutes had passed I stood up and checked the tests, I opened the door and Carl jumped up. " Well? What does it say?" He asked nervously.

" One is positive and the others negative" I said " I don't understand". " We'll grab another and see what it says" Carl said and we both walked downstairs. We opened the door to see Negan and Spencer playing pool in the middle of the street with a crowd of people watching them. We stared watching them, Spencer bad mouthing dad to Negan, the son of a bitch.

" I am my mothers son, I can be the leader she was. That's what this place needs, that's what you need". " So I should put you in charge, that's what your saying" Negan smirked. " We'd be much better off" Spencer smiled, " You know I'm thinking Spencer, I'm thinking how Rick threatened to kill me, how he clearly hates my guts. But he is out there right now, gathering shit for me to make sure I don't hurt any of the fine people who live here".

" He is swallowing his hate, and getting shit done. That takes guts" Negan said playing pool again. " And then there's you, the guy who waited for Rick to be gone so he could sneak over and talk to me to get me to do his dirty work so he could take Ricks place. So I gotta ask, if you wanna take over why not just kill Rick yourself? And just take over?" Negan asked walking up to Spencer.

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