Chapter fourteen

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I sat in the room alone with Jesus, I was  shaking as I waited for Dwight to come get me. " Mia let's run away" Jesus said " We can't, you know they'd find us, and I don't want to see the punishment" " What can we do? I can't sit here and watch you shake, I can't live with myself knowing your marrying him". Jesus kneeled down in front of me and ran his hand through my hair, " Please Mia tell me what I can do". I looked at Jesus as he looked back at me, I slowly leaned toward him and let my lips press softly against his. We closed our eyes and deepened our kiss making it more passionate. Our kiss was interrupted by footsteps outside, the door opened to revel Dwight, he stared at us as Jesus had his hand on my cheek and the other on my hand.

" What's going on here?" Dwight asked staring at us, " I-I'm really nervous about the wedding, Jesus is helping me calm down" I said. " Okay well can he be less physical with you?" " She forgot her inhaler it was the only way to get her breathing back to normal" Jesus said. " Well the wedding is cancelled till further notice" " What? Why?" I asked in shock. " You'll see there's a little surprise for you waiting back home". Dwight took my arm and started dragging me off when Jesus grabbed my hand, Dwight looked at him with an angry glare in his eyes. " She's a really good friend, can't I say goodbye" Jesus said " Make it quick". Jesus hugged me tight, " I swear I'll get you before he can marry or touch you again" he whispered in my ear, " I love you" " I love you too", Jesus kissed me quickly and Dwight pulled me away " Sorry but we got to go".

Dwight drove quickly back to the base, and pulled me along with Daryl until we reached a room where I saw Negan making out with one of his wives. " Mia!" I jumped and turned to see Carl standing at the wall " Carl!" I said and ran into his arms. " Mia I'm so glad your safe" Carl said hugging me tight, " I'm glad you are, I didn't think I'd see you again". " Now ain't that just sweet, brother and sister reunited once more, why I believe my heart is aching. You see Mia baby, this is the reason we couldn't get married today" Negan spoke in my ear. " You were going to marry him?" Carl said looking at me shocked.

" To keep you and everyone at home safe" I said, " But someone just had to be a little badass and ruin everyone's plans, ain't that right Carl?" Negan shouted with a smile on his face. " Which is too bad, I was looking forward to the wedding night" Negam smirked, biting his lip. Carl wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him, " No, not with her". Negan laughed and looked at me, " You going to tell him darling or should I?" Negan asked me. " Tell me what?" Carl asked looking at me, " Carl I-" " I already screwed her brains out boy!" Negan shouted " And hell its the best I've gotten in a long time". Daryl shot his head up at Negan and Carl's eye widened, " I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch" Carl said holding me.

" Don't get angry at me, I wouldn't have touched her if your dad didn't kill all of my men in the first place. Besides she's doing this to save your life so how about a bit of gratitude to her" Negan said staring at Carl. " I don't care, I'm not letting you touch her again" Carl glared, " Oh boy you got a lot to learn, in case you forgot" Negan said grabbing me. " Your in my house now" he said before kissing me, I kissed him back slightly and he smiled at me. " See she's learning, sure it's slow and hell its taking a while but she's young, she'll get used to it". Carl pulled me into a hug, " Did he really have sex with you?" Carl asked, I nodded " But he held me down" " Hey your making me sound like such a bad guy, I can provide for you here, make you a happy wife, don't you want that?".

I looked at the ground, Negan grabbed my face and held it up to his. " I said don't you want that?", I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes " Yes I want that" " There's a good girl" Negan said kissing my lips quickly. I looked at Carl who looked sick to his stomach as he saw us kiss, " Well baby we gotta go and talk so I'll catch you later, come Carl" Negan said leaving the room. I looked at Carl as he left, then I looked at Daryl, I couldn't stop myself and I broke down crying. Daryl went to hug me but Dwight pulled him back, Daryl looked at him " Please, she's like a daughter" " Make it quick" Dwight said letting Daryl go.

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