Chapter ten

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We've all had to be really quiet since the walkers surrounded Alexandrea, we were all outside working or if like me playing with Judith and Carl. We heard a really loud cracking sound, we turned around and saw the tower fall down and crash into Alexandrea, breaking our wall. I grabbed Judith and we all ran into Jesse's house, I put Judith upstairs and we blocked the door. Ron took my arm and brought me into the garage, he pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck " Ron what are you doing?" I said, he put his hands up my shirt " Ron stop" I said pushing his hands down, he put his hand down my jeans and he covered my mouth. " What are you doing?" Ron turned around and saw Carl staring at us " I was trying to have fun" " Let her go". Ron looked at me and let go, he walked away and Carl walked over to me " Are you alright?" " I'm fine" " You keep interrupting me" we looked at Ron and seen him lock the door and take out the key. " Ron what are you doing?" I asked " Everything would be so much better if you and your dad just disappeared" Ron picked up a shovel and swung it at us, we jumped apart and he went for Carl. He had Carl against the wall, choking him, I tried to pull Ron off him but he hit me and I fell to the ground. Carl hit Ron, but Ron pushed him against the window, smashing it, Carl pushed Ron away when a walker put its arm in the window. " What's going on!? Carl!" " Ron give me the keys" I said putting my hand in his pocket, Ron grabbed my arm and looked at me. I looked back at him as he stared at me " Let me go" I said trying to pull my hand away, the door smashed open and he let me go, we all ran inside and held the door.

Michonne pushed the couch against it and we held it in place as Ron walked away " Carl, Mia what happened?" Dad asked " We were getting weapons when the walkers broke through" " Okay, go get some weapons" we nodded and walked into the same room as Ron. Carl pointed his gun at Ron " Carl, Mia I'm-" " Yeah yeah your sorry, give me your gun", Ron looked at us " Carl I swear I won't-" " Your gun" Ron handed his gun to Carl and he gave it to me. " Man I understand, my dad killed your dad, but you got to know your dad was an asshole", Ron looked at us. Carl left and I looked at Ron, " What's your problem with me?" I asked " What do you mean?" Ron said " What is with you kissing and touching me" " Sorry about that I-" " I don't want your sorry I want to know why" " I-I don't know, I just. I like you and I thought you liked me too" " That's no excuse for what you've been doing" " I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you" Ron said walking closer to me. I folded my arms "How?" " Anyway you want", Ron put his hands on my waist, and slowly pressed his lips against mine, I took out my gun and hit him in the head with it " Don't touch me again or I'll shoot you" I said leaving the room. The walkers got into the house and we all ran upstairs, blocking the stairs with the couch, everyone was running around trying to think of ideas. " Get me bed sheets" dad said, Jesse got sheets as dad and Michonne cut into two walkers.

" We're going to cover ourselves in their blood, it's works I've done it before". " This is insane" Ron said " Do it if you want to survive" I said, Ron looked at me as I put on a sheet and covered myself in blood. Everyone had finished and I put Judith under Carl's sheet, we all walked downstairs and slowly moved through the streets of Alexandrea. We gave Judith to Gabriel and started walking to the armoury, " Mom" Max said " Mom!" Max called louder " Max shush" Jesse whispered " Mom!!" We turned and saw Max get bitten, Jesse screamed and walkers started biting her. " Dad!" Carl called as Jesse wouldn't let go of him, dad cut her hand off, and started killing walkers when I was grabbed, I screamed and everyone looked at me. Ron had a gun to my head and had his arm around my neck " You two just need to die" " Ron put the gun down and let Mia go" " I don't think so, she's the only one of you I actually like" " Ron you don't know what your doing, put the gun down, we'll talk about this" dad said calmly " You've killed everyone in my family, now I'll do the same to you" Ron pointed his gun at dad, when his arm turned and shot. Ron dropped to the ground and I hugged dad " Dad, Mia" we looked at Carl and saw his right eye was gone. " Carl!" I grabbed him before he fell, dad carried Carl to the hospital while Michonne and I killed the walkers. We busted into the hospital, we helped Denise with Carl until we weren't needed, everyone ran out to dad and killed every walker that got into Alexandrea while I stayed with Carl. I fell asleep holding his hand, wishing and hoping that he'd be alright, I was woken up the next morning to dad " Hey" " How's everything outside?" I asked " Everything's better, we're going to fix the wall straight away". I looked at Carl " He still hasn't woken up" " His body went through a lot of shock, don't worry he'll come around he's strong" " I know, he's the strongest person I've ever met" " I'm insulted" I laughed and looked at dad " I think I'll go have a shower" " Good idea".

THE WALKING DEAD - CARL'S LITTLE SISTER Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz