Chapter eighteen

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I opened my eyes to see a familiar sight, it was Hershel's farm. I jumped up and saw mom asleep next to dad and Carl beside me and I sighed " It was all just a bad dream". I walked out of the tent and walked around, breathing in the fresh morning air, I was walking around when my head was rubbed from behind. " What are you doing up this early?" I knew that voice, I turned and saw Shane smiling down at me. " Shane?" " Yeah?" " Have we found Sophia yet?" I asked. " I'm sorry pumpkin we haven't, but we'll find her soon I promise. Let me get you some breakfast".

Shane took my hand and started walking towards Andrea, Dale, Beth and Hershel. I stared at them and they smiled at me, " Morning Mia, how you feeling today?" Dale asked. I ran over and hugged everyone of them as they looked at Shane and I confused, " Mia what's wrong?" " Nothing I'm just glad your alive". " Are you sure your okay pumpkin?" Shane asked as he knelt in front of me, " Yeah I'm fine", " Come here" Shane said he pulled me into a hug, he rubbed my back and whispered " I wish you were mine, I can love and protect you better than your dad".

" Mia!" I turned and saw my mom staring at us, " Mia baby come here". Shane picked me up and stood up, " It's fine Lori, I'm just getting her some breakfast" Shane said as he grabbed a plate and Dale put food on it. Shane walked me over to a table and sat me on his lap as I ate it, mom's face showed she was scared and worried. " I'm okay mom, I'll be over soon" I smiled and she took a deep breath and walked away. Shane kept me beside him all day, called me his ' little princess' and would stroke my hair, it's been hours and he hasn't let me go back to mom, he hasn't even let me go play with Carl.

It's almost dinner time now, Maggie, Beth and Hershel are inside with Andrea, Carol and Mom while the men are outside, while I'm still stuck with Shane. I tried to get off of Shane's lap but he pulled me back up " Where do you think your going?" " I need to use the bathroom" I said. " Why didn't you say so, I'll walk with you", he carried me into the bathroom and stood outside the door, I took a piece of tissue and a pen and wrote " Mommy help" on it, after I was finished I walked out and Shane picked me up.

Mom looked at me worried and as she watched us leave I dropped the tissue on the floor. After a few minutes mom came out, " Shane give me my daughter" " She's having fun with me, aren't ya pumpkin?", " She's not yours Shane so give her back". Shane's face turned dark and he stared at me, " I want her to be mine" he said as he rubbed my cheek, " Shane give her back to me". Dad ran over " What's going on?" He asked, " Shane won't give Mia back to me". Dad looked at Shane, " Come on Shane I'm sure Mia wants to come back to her family", Shane jumped up when dad said that and held me tight, " She is my family". " Shane give me her" dad said holding out his hands, a few minutes went by of Shane holding onto me tight but he relaxed himself and gave me back to mom.

Mom kissed my head and held me close as we all looked at Shane, " Are you alright sweetheart?" Dad asked looking at me, " I'm fine daddy" I said as dad took me from mom and hugged me. " You go off and play with Carl, Lori go inside" dad said as he put me down, I ran down the stairs and hid at the porch so they couldn't see me. " Shane what the hell do you think your doing?", " I'm not doing anything expect protecting that little girl" " She's safe here she doesn't need protecting, and she certainly does not need you to keep her from her family all day. This is a warning Shane leave Mia alone".

I ran off and found Carl, " Carl!" " Mia I missed you" he smiled as we hugged. " What are you playing?" " I'm exploring, want to join?" " Yes please". Carl and I explored the farm and found frogs and worms, we were having so much fun when we were called for dinner. " Wash your hands before you sit" mom said so we did as we were told, Carl and I sat at a smaller table behind the big table where the adults were eating. Carl and I were eating fast, " Hey hey, Carl, Mia slow down you'll give yourself a tummy ach" mom said, " Let them be, it's been months since they had a proper dinner" dad said.

THE WALKING DEAD - CARL'S LITTLE SISTER Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora