After ensuring that my chamber door was locked, I went down from the balcony using the rope ladder. Having a room at the farthest end came pretty handy in these escapades, along with the fact that this side had no windows at all — including mine.

That was how they kept me isolated. Only the small balcony could connect me outside. And so, the story about me being a sheltered and overprotected princess began.

When I reached the ground, I ran to the garden door. There was no one around at this time so I immediately opened the gate, entered, and closed it. This was the only place I could escape freely.

As much as I wanted to use this route to forever leave this place, I could not. I could only blame my past self for not reading the agreement properly. It was the overwhelming desire for freedom that led me to sign that life contract. That piece of paper bound my will and according to Night's endless reminder, there was a dire consequence if I ever went back on my words.

In exchange for their help to leave the palace, I did their missions but I could never divulge anything about them and should not use what they gave to me for my own selfishness.

Nonetheless, I didn't have regrets. It was better to choose the lesser evils in a situation I had no control of.

"Good! You're here. Lightning is waiting for you," said Cindra when she saw me.

"Understood. I'll see you later, Cindra."

"Good luck. Be sure to come back safe and sound, dear." She pulled me close and gave me a quick hug.

She was really acting like a mother every time she sent me on missions. At first, I was doubting them and naturally treated them as my patrons because of the contract. But as days drove by, I realized they truly cared for me. It was funny how these people were treating me like family when my own blood relatives had no ounce of affection for me.


I trodded towards the wall of vines. Behind it was another door, similar to the door connecting the palace garden. Unlike the one connecting to the palace, I needed a key that was hung on the right side of the door frame.

I inserted it into the keyhole and stepped outside. The silence of the Misty Forest welcomed me. With two fingers on my lips, a whistle disturbed the quietness of the place. It was followed by fast-approaching hooves and a magnificent black horse rushed in wide gallops.

"Lightning," I called, brushing his mane.

It was a well-mannered horse, better than the horses in the palace, and given to me by Night. Lightning had a beautiful white lightning-like mark in its left eye, thus its name but it also had incredible speed. With just a whistle it came dashing wherever I was. It seemed to understand everything I said, just like an average human, or maybe even better than humans.

"Are you ready?"

It neighed as if saying yes. I hopped onto his back and we galloped into the forest.


The Fedor Manor was huge but I had already memorized my way through it. It didn't even compare to the quarter of the whole property of the palace of Ezriel. Marquis Fedor may be rich but no one in this kingdom could surpass the royal family when talking about wealth.

I led Lightning to the back part of the estate. We halted as I stared dubiously at the bricked walls up close.

Tarnation. Was this possibly ten to twelve feet? I wondered as I climbed down from Lightning. From a distance, it was actually tall but I never expected it to be this towering.

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