Changing Story!

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Hey everyone. I hope you're all doing well in corona quarantine and I know this will sound really REALLY bad but I thought I should give you all a heads up. 

I'm going to be rewriting Star Crossed lovers with Guns and Past the Stars. 

I figured you guys should know as I did get a new laptop and promised myself that once I got this new laptop, I would rewrite these two stories. The story line will still remain the same but the characters names will change as the names I chose for the two sisters are mine and my sisters. 

Anyways, here are the new names: 

Fabiana---Fionia (Pronounced Fiona and Nickname Nia and Phoebs)

Liliana----Luciana (Nickname Luci)

Besides that all the other characters remain the same. I hope you enjoy and I will be updating daily now as I still need to finish Past the Stars. Anyways. I am really sorry again but I hope you do enjoy the new characters. 

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