
As soon as Xenon left, I packed my things. There was no better time than leaving spontaneously.

I ignored the pain as usual and moved like I was not injured. I had enough grands gained during the years as Ace but it was not enough to last me a lifetime.

I could always do a job once I get out of here. The problem was how. I managed to slip away every time because of the garden door but I promised Night I would not use it for my personal convenience.

I was uncertain if I would dishonor my words and use the door. At the end of the day, there was no room for hesitations if I wanted to flee. I eased my way towards the garden and as expected there was no one. I grabbed the key and inserted it into the hole.

It clicked open and I let out the breath that had been held on since I made my way out of my chambers.


The reason I always failed in the past but was able to do my missions was since no one actually guarded the garden while the great walls that bounded the palace had every knight stationed there. It was as hard to go inside as it was to go out.

I really should be grateful to Cindra. Too bad I could not thank her anymore in person since leaving this place also meant I was also withdrawing my responsibilities as Ace. I wanted to start a new life with no one recognizing me.

It was selfish leaving everything behind but this time I wanted to prioritize myself. I wanted to fix the pieces of me that were broken in a place where I could start afresh.

I whistled at Lightning but to my confusion, there was no familiar neigh that came even after several minutes.

My time was ticking so I found my way through the Misty Forest. It would take at least two hours on foot and I have several hours before daylight. I was thinking by that time the sun rose, I was already at Solaris.

It was only two kingdoms away from Ezriel. Not too far and not too close either. Just enough to make Father drill his thoughts on where to find me.

My steps sped up as excitement filled me just imagining arriving at the Solaris Kingdom. From the portraits I saw, it was a picturesque place. Beautiful coast surrounding half of the country and abundant of peaceful towns.

They were known as the only worshipper of the True God and had never been into any war with other kingdoms and famed for the amicable governance of their kings. It was the main reason I chose that place. I wanted to settle down in a place void of conflict.

I would not mind having a religion if I could achieve that. It was a small exchange for a harmonious life, mainly for someone like me who craved that kind of lifestyle.

The money I had was sufficient for a small cottage but I had to find work to sustain my daily expenses. I thought of becoming a librarian but I immediately crossed the idea out since librarians were only in the cities but I wanted to live in just an ordinary village.

Maybe a tutor? I had a very good memory and I already read a lot of books and gained enough knowledge I could confidently partake to anyone. A community tutor would be preferable to a private one since there was no need for papers and qualifications.


I stopped in my tracks. There was only one person who I could not sense because of his shadows.

I turned back and realized why Lightning was nowhere. Anyone who was in the range of Night's shadows could hide their presence that was why I was not even able to hear Lightning's hoofs even when they approached me.

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