02. Magic of Disguise

Start from the beginning

I had to admit, I was probably becoming vapid from the anxiety lurking and guilt hunting my soul. Thanks to their teachings, I found myself a little more capable, not just an idiot succumbing to my fate.

Because if I had not grabbed those hands that reached out to me, I would wilt much faster than these flowers here sooner or later.

"I heard his reputation being a slave driver," I commented.

"You're right. Well, you've got a mission." Her lips curled and I instantly knew that smile.

The same grin reflected on mine as she described the situation. Excitement rushed through my veins. It had been quite a while since I used my ability.

The magic of disguise.

Due to that, I became well-known as Ace — the thief with a thousand faces. Just a mere touch and I could copy anyone's face, body, voice, and every physical detail with unlimited time... but only once.

I had no inkling about the origin of these powers that I, Night, and Cindra had. Night had even promised he would me the whole story when the time came but he managed to avoid it every single time.

Perhaps it was his hobby to be elusive when asked, especially when it was about crucial questions. He was not even here at present when, in fact, he promised he would visit this month. It's already the end of the month with not a single sign of his shadow.

"What will I steal?" I prompted as soon as Cindra finished explaining.

It was surprising how the words had come so easily from my mouth. Before, just thinking about stealing made my skin crawl. However, I was blinded by Night's persuasion.

In exchange for the small freedom, I found myself in a life contract where I would help them run their errands. Through this, I could go away from this hellhole even if it was just a few hours. It was worth it compared to the past years of solely being locked up.

I might not be heavily guarded or had companions every time I went out of my room but it was simply an illusion Father gave to me. There was no chance of being set free from here. I had tried many times but only resulted in harsher punishments.

Only once did I succeed. Nevertheless, I was burning a fever at that time and I had no recollection of how I was even able to get out.

"The Mermaid's Tear," Cindra emphasized which pulled me from my reveries. "That necklace was originally owned by a poor elder living in Fedor, it was an important heirloom for them."

"What does it look like?"

She handed me a colored sketch. It was a necklace with a long strand of a chain made up of blue-colored stones and a pear-cut shape at the center.

"I understand. I just need to get it back from the Marquis and return it to the man, correct?"

After all, my missions were always the same — stealing from the rich and helping the poor. Our kingdom was among the powerful authorities in the Grand West. Nevertheless, only the rich enjoyed the privilege while the poor were driven to poverty.

Since our targets were mainly influential people, I became a figure that was known as the enemy of the nobles and a hero for the peasants — even if I did not mean to since it was for my own selfish reasons I did this.

"I sent a letter and you'll go there tomorrow," informed Cindra.

To be frank, I really did not get the idea why we were letting our opponents know our motives but we never had a complication with it. In fact, it was a lot easier to deal with them thanks to this sham.

"...in the basement already."


"I said, the escape routes and a set of uniforms are in the basement. What got you distracted?"

"No, it was nothing." I simply gave her a smile and checked my pocket watch. It's been several minutes since I came. I need to be back or they would get suspicious.

"Is it time to leave?" asked Cindra and I nodded.

We were aware of the limited time I had during the day. I quickly stood up and curtsied.

"Ace," called Cindra.


She looked like she wanted to say something. She always had an expression when I asked her questions but because of Night, she didn't dare say anything. It certainly made me wonder who Night was that he was able to make Cindra obey. Not only was she older, but she was also a noble of the upper class.

"... Nothing," she said.

In the end, I bid my farewell and returned to my quarters. I still needed to mentally prepare myself for later.



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