Chapter 83. Coffee

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after the pregnancy rumours me Perrie and Jesy all decided it was best to ask her about them so we all decided to meet in our usual cafe "here she comes" Jesy quietly squeals Perrie turning her head to me her eyes wide open "hi guys" Leigh smiles sitting next to Jesy "Hi" i smile at her raising my eyebrows to which she gives me a confused look she picks up the mug that's been waiting for her taking a sip "okay why are you all weirdly staring at me" she exclaims laughing a little as she puts her mug down all three of us turning away and looking at anything but her "what's wrong?" she asks starting to panic a little "do you have a secret you'd like to share?" Perrie asks
i rest Aria on my stomach pulling faces at her while she laughs and claps at me Charlie laying next to us with his head resting on my chest the door then slams open my band mates all walking in "Louis you could have scared the baby you idiot" Harry exclaims my face full of confusion, that's not like him, "alright boys" i slightly smile as the three of them scatter themselves on the couches Louis and Liam giving me very weird looks "hey Ni can i hold Aria?" Harry asks i nod and he takes her off me sitting her in his lap and playing with her "do youse want a cuppa?" i ask Liam and Louis standing up with Charlie at my feet they both nod following me out into the kitchen "is it just me or is there a slight chance them rumours are true?" Louis asks as he sits down at the island i just shake my head getting the cups out the cupboard "scary if it is he's only just turning 21" Liam says i quickly turn coughing Louis bursting out in laughter "i was 20 and i'm doing quite alright thank you very much" i tell him slightly laughing Liam just shaking his head "yeah but you've never cheated on your girlfriend" he says his eyebrows raising i give him a confused look Louis slapping him slightly "i'm sorry i just think he's still maturing whereas Niall is mature" Liam shrugs i pass them both a mug leaning back on the counter we all just sit there in silence for a minute all most likely thinking about Harry as a dad, i mean he does tend to sometimes go wild on night outs but that's not a guarantee he'll be a bad dad when i wasn't a day i was with Harry on them nights out and i think i'm a pretty good dad. Liam panicked when he found out about Aria though it's just the way he is he worries and worries about us and if everything we do is going to be right for us it's kinda how he got the daddy direction name. "Niall" Harry says as he comes into the kitchen Aria happily on his hip he leans against the wall "whats it like being a dad?" he asks my eyes widen a little as he does Louis nearly spitting his coffee out "well it's the best thing ever, sometimes it's tough but i wouldn't change her for the world" i tell him he nods not being able to take his eyes off Aria the front door burst open again all the girls laughing as they walk in they come into the kitchen Jade instantly coming to me and kissing my cheek i give her a confused look and she just shakes her head "aww i can't take it anymore" Louis exclaims making everyone stop "Leigh in the nicest way possible are you bloody pregnant?" he asks, Liam carefully slapping his arm as everyone's eyes focus on Leigh Anne she looks up at Harry kinda in a frustrated way "no" she exclaims crossing her arms, suddenly a lot of things stop adding up as everyone's faces become confused "Gemma is and Anne posted something about 9 months from now and both me and Harry were tagged so that's where the rumours came from" she groans leaning on Harry everyone's faces coming to a realisation "we should congratulate Gemma" Jesy exclaims pulling out her phone everyone doing the same. to be honest i was kinda excited for someone else to have a baby it would have been nice for Aria to have a friend but oh well i'm sure she'll get one soon enough.

jadeameliabadwi @/perrieeele coffee dates are the best dates!!💗perrieeele: yasssss queennnn💗

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jadeameliabadwi @/perrieeele coffee dates are the best dates!!💗
perrieeele: yasssss queennnn💗

"oh my gosh"

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