Chapter 73. Im Afraid

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listening in on people's conversations isn't a great thing to do, and i know it isn't, but sometimes it's necessary especially when your fiancé has a controlling mother who will do anything to jeopardise your relationship "well if she is away for christmas you and Aria can come over here and spend it with us" Maura says down the phone i try not to roll my eyes listening to Niall trying time come up with something that makes it a bad idea "Aria will get to know her Irish roots it would be amazing Ni" she says i look down at Aria who gives me a confused look in return i grab my phone out my pocket refreshing my messages to see if there's any new from Perrie, Leigh and Jesy, they decided they were gonna speak to Simon and Sam and tell them how they'll refuse to work through Christmas and how wrong it is that i don't get to spend my daughters first Christmas with her. unfortunately it's something Nialls already tried and failed at so i'm not too sure wether they'll succeed but i have all my fingers crossed they will "alright we'll i'll speak to you later" Niall says making me panic i quickly pick Aria up and run over to the couch picking up the remote and flicking through the channels "any news?" Niall asks walking out of the kitchen and straight into the living room "not yet" i sigh looking at my phone again, they've been gone for near enough two hours so god knows what's happening "if that doesn't work i'm sure you going will" he shrugs coming and sitting on the opposite couch with cookies in his hands i just shrug looking down at Aria next to me just happily playing with the toys in front of her, not one care in the world. what annoys me about the whole situation is that there defence is that Aria won't remember or realise if i miss it and to be fair there right she'd probably never find out but i don't think i could live with that fact and i'd feel like the worlds worst mum. "Jade, Niall" we hear Perrie, Leigh and Jesy scream and seconds later they rush into the room both extremely out of breath they stand there for a second trying to catch their breath back but making me a little frustrated because i really want to know what happened "Simon" Perrie mutters inbetween one of her breaths "wants to see you both" Jesy says leaning on the door "when?" Niall groans putting his left over cookies on the table "now" Simon says then appearing at the door Sam quickly following behind Nialls head instantly falling back. I have a feeling this isn't going to go well because in Simons world we have to work around him and whatever he says goes so the fact we've all gone against these plans will definitely be making him unhappy "you three mind the baby" he says to Perrie, Leigh and Jesy both of them coming over to me and turning Arias attention on them "you two with me" he says pointing at me and Niall, both of us instantly standing up Niall grabbing my hand quiet tightly.
i can't help but feel angry. how can someone be okay with the fact their going to ruin a little girls first christmas? and for what? a tiny little bit of promo that could happen any other time?. we follow Simon down to the bottom floor of the hotel walking into what seems like a conference room where Paul and two other of Simons workers are waiting for us, we sit down at one side of the huge table, Paul and Sam opposite, with the two workers on one side and Simon on the other and you can already feel the tension between everyone. "now as you both probably know what your doing is against the rules" Simon starts and i can't help but scoff, it's not him who's going to have their christmas ruined but i'm sure he'd do the same if it was "Niall" Paul says in a serious tone i just roll my eyes crossing my arms "we understand that this is Arias first Christmas but we also need to promote the album, because sometimes your careers comes first" Sam tries to be sympathetic but for some reason it only makes me more angry "also we were lenient letting you both tour together with her" Simon shrugs only making me lose it "lenient?" i ask him making him shocked "lenient my fucking ass, you done it because it makes you money" i tell him he just shakes his head, Jades hand grabbing my thigh giving me a worried look "i mean come on you all have kids, wouldn't you all act in the exact same way we're doing" i ask all three of them all their heads going down instantly i stand up laughing a little "that's exactly what i thought, this is disgusting, it's something you just shouldn't be doing because of course you think you can just control us" i exclaim and that's when one of their workers stands up slamming their hands down "i'm afraid Mr Horan thats exactly what they can do because that's something both you and Miss Thirlwall signed to"

 "now as you both probably know what your doing is against the rules" Simon starts and i can't help but scoff, it's not him who's going to have their christmas ruined but i'm sure he'd do the same if it was "Niall" Paul says in a serious tone i ju...

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jadeameliabadwi 🦄

"i'm going crazy can't contain it"

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