Chapter 6. Fuck You

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when we got back from the park Jade asked if she could stay in our apartment seeing as Jed would still be there, i let her stay in my bed and i got on the couch but now i've hardly slept all night. i'm thinking about every possibility that could happen does this mean that soon i'll be able to confess to Jade how i feel? does this mean that Jed is gone forever or will he keep reappearing? god i hope not. i grab my phone checking the time which reads 7am i groan throwing my head back on the couch there's no point in even trying to sleep now because i know the girls have gotta be up soon to do a day of promo. i stand up and go into the kitchen i put the kettle on and decide to make breakfast for them both, im not the best chef so i decide to just make some pancakes as it's the easiest option. i soon hear footsteps coming out of the bedrooms "ooo i thought i smelt pancakes" Perrie laughs to herself as she sits down at the island i laugh putting a plate in front of her "thank you" she giggles and starts to eat "your welcome, i'm gonna take Jades to her" i tell her she nods giving me a quick wink as i walk out the room i shake my head and carry on. Perrie told me she thinks Jade likes me that way back because she keeps hinting at it but i'm not gonna do anything about it seeing as she's just got out of a long term relationship she needs some time for herself. i get into my room seeing Jade on her phone "oh hi" she smiles putting the phone down "i made breakfast" i smile at her handing her the plate as she sits up "ooo thank you so much" she smiles at me with the most adorable smile i've ever seen "no problem" i smile and walk out again i wish i could just kiss her tell her how perfect she is how she deserves so much better but i know i can't. "Pez i'm going to see Leigh dead quick" i shout to Perrie walk out the door i walk down the corridor when i see someone i really didn't wanna see "it's all your fault isn't it"
"so how do you actually feel about Niall?" Perrie asks as we get ready in her room i shrug, it's too soon out of a relationship for me to say i'm hoping i can have some time to just think about how i feel without being rushed "he's so sweet and he's so great i just don't know yet" i shrug she nods smiling at me i laugh a little at her standing up from the dressing table "ready to go?" she asks i nod grabbing my phone and her hand and following her out of the apartment "listen the reason she left you was because you were abusive that's got nothing to do with me"we hear a irish accent shout my heart dropping i let go of perries hand and run down the corridor "or maybe it's because you both have feelings for eachother" Jed shouts back i look at Niall who looks a little taken back as he says that he notices me unsure of what to say "exactly" Jed shouts and before i know it he has Niall pinned up against the wall "Jed stop" i scream trying to grab him but completely failing "stop being so pathetic" Niall spits at him my eyes widening seeing as i've never seen a side like that to Niall but i can tell he's getting angry "fuck you" Jed spits back and goes to hit him "Oi" i hear Louis shout as the elevator doors shut he comes over pushing Jed off of Niall "pack it in lad and leave us the fuck alone" Louis says Jed laughs and i don't know what to do, how do i fix this? how do i make it okay? i look over to Niall who looks like he's about to tackle Jed any minute "your mate got my girlfriend to split up with me so he can jump on her it makes sense doesn't it" Jed shouts in Louis face. i don't think Niall made me do it for that reason i think he said it because he generally cares about me and doesn't want to see me hurt that doesn't mean he feels anything for me right? "And what if i did" Niall says leaning on the wall arms crossed my jaw dropping and within the blink of an eye Jed shoves Niall to the floor both of them trying to get as many hits as possible in

 i don't think Niall made me do it for that reason i think he said it because he generally cares about me and doesn't want to see me hurt that doesn't mean he feels anything for me right? "And what if i did" Niall says leaning on the wall arms cro...

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littlemixofficial great seeing everyone todayyy!❤️
lmslay: you girls are the cutest!!💗💗💗

"i'll be fine if your mine"

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