Chapter 21. Simon

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our album was released five days ago and now i have the hard job of telling them that i probably won't be able to tour when they want me too. i'm currently 3 months pregnant and due in February the same month they told us yesterday that they want us to tour. i follow Niall hand in hand into the syco building sweating i'm that nervous i have no idea how there gonna react because it'll also mean Niall taking some time off so i imagine it's not gonna go well. "Niall, Jade lovely to see you follow me" Simon smiles as soon as he sees us a little too happy for my liking that's soon gonna disappear too i look at Niall with fear in my eyes and he gives me the same look, we walk into his office my manager Sam and Nialls manager Paul (ino he wasn't their manager but) both already sitting there Simon sitting on one side of the desk and us sitting next to our managers "so what's called this meeting" Simon smiles quite cheerfully i look at my manager Sam a really reassuring smile on her face i then look at Niall who's face literally just reads panic. "we have something to announce" Niall mutters Simon looking at him quite confused honestly in this moment i wish the ground would just eat me up. Simon just nods for Niall to continue, Nialls grip on my hand tightening "Jade is three months pregnant"he says as fast as he can Simons jaw dropping a little my whole body tensing up "oh right"he mutters looking down at his desk "this is gonna change a lot of things" he says "but congratulations" Sam smiles hugging me from the side Paul doing the same to Niall "thanks" i weakly smile Simon doesn't look the happiest but there's nothing anyone can do now "congratulations" Simon faintly smiles and then looks at his computer he looks like he's trying to work some things out "well that means both tours are gonna have to be pushed back"he groans a little i bite my lip for some reason feeling guilty because of all of this "why don't we just do the idea we were going to do?" Paul says looking over at Sam i look at them confused Niall gripping onto my hand tighter what was the idea? are they cancelling our tours or something? they haven't announced them yet because it's too early so what are they planning? "i suppose we could" Simon shrugs "the fans would love it" Sam exclaims why would she say the fans love it? i start to panic a little "it'll just be hard to do but i suppose we could work it out" Simon nods and then looks like he's made a decision "we have a very important message for you guys to pass on" he then says looking at us both and seeming quite happy with what he's about to say "we're gonna put your tours together and get you to perform a few songs together as well" he exclaims my jaw dropping a little but with happiness "really?" Niall smiles in shock he nods, this is going to be make everything ten times better because now we don't have to struggle with not being around each other "i think this is something that would be really great" he smiles both of us nodding in agreement "if you have the baby in February then we'll start the tour in March?" he asks we both nod this is gonna be amazing
we told everyone that we needed to meet them and we all decided to meet in Jesys house so now we're all sat around her dining table everyone just chatting. i'm really excited for the tour i mean i'm gonna be travelling around the world with 6 of my best friends my girlfriend and my baby that's literally the dream i won't have to miss anything and we won't be separated it'll be perfect. "hey Niall" Liam says loud enough to stop everyone's conversations "yeah" i smile at him i haven't been able to stop smiling since Simon told us "whats the news mate?" he asks me and Jade looking at each other with the most excited expression "well we visited Simon today" Jade smiles all of them nodding a little confused to why were so happy "and he told us that they've decided that all of us are gonna tour together" i smile all of their jaws dropping together "oh my god" Perrie squeals "when?" Louis exclaims i laugh at little at how excited but crazy they all look "March" Jade laughs. it's gonna be the craziest tour ever i know it's gonna be hilarious though and we're all gonna be non stop laughing the whole time

 it's gonna be the craziest tour ever i know it's gonna be hilarious though and we're all gonna be non stop laughing the whole timelittlemixofficial

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littlemixofficial exciting things ahead❤️
onedirection: 👀👀

"let's pack up and run away, just me and you"

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