Chapter 1. Broken Hearted Perrie

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(so sorry this is late i didn't realise the date!)
Ni🤪:hey just had a text from Zayn sounds like hes ended things with Pez just for a heads up x
well that's a great way to start my day i look to my side thanking the lords when i realise Jed must be in the living room, i love him i do but i love having this space to myself where he just leaves me alone for a while and he doesn't complain about a thing, i message Niall back and throw my phone down next to me, i suppose i won't be here for long because if what Niall told me is true then i imagine Perrie will be here any minute. i guess we all seen it coming, Zayn has distanced himself for a while and whenever we did see him he'd sit there with a cob on and not look at anyone. Since he left the band things have been really strange with him he said he still wanted to be friends with everyone but then started to go weird, it's really sad and i wish it hadn't of gone this way but i guess it's for the best. and asif on queue with my thoughts ending i hear the apartment door slam open "Jade" a geordie accent screams my heart already breaking for her. Perrie is head over heels for Zayn and this is gonna kill her but i know she's strong and she'll get through it she always does. i run out of the bedroom and straight to the door i shut it and then bend down to her. she's collapsed on the floor crying her heart out and sounding like she can't even breath. "Aww Pez it's okay come on let's go in the living room" i sigh sympathetically i help her up and into the living room the only thing being heard is her uncontrollable sobbing i rub her back and tie her hair back from her face "so what happened?" i ask her once her breathing starts to calm. "i woke up a-and the bed was just..empty" she cries taking deep breaths with every word "so i-i picked up my phone to see you know where he'd gone" i nod along with her kinda guessing what she's about to say anger kinda building up inside me "he sent me this huge message" what a dick "he told me he didn't love me anymore and that he's not happy and that he's took himself to America and he's not coming back" and as she finishes her sentences screams like she's in pain "what did i do wrong Jade?" she screams my eyes filling up with tears for her she doesn't deserve this it's really not fair on her she deserves the world and it's crazy seeing her like this because she's usually such a happy and up beat person "you did nothing wrong baba you did nothing but love and support him and he's ridiculous for splitting up with you, baba he's crazy and you deserve so much better than him, i promise this will get better" she nods wiping her eyes and looking up at me "i suppose you're right" she mumbles i just embrace her holding her as tight as i can and swearing to myself if i ever see Zayn again i'm gonna kill him
"so he dumped her by text?" Louis asks me as we get to Jades apartment "yep" i nod struggling to knock with all the bags of food i have "wow he's changed" Louis mutters sounding like he's in utter shock "Zayn just isn't Zayn anymore" i shrug Louis nodding as the door opens "oh thank god" Jesy exclaims as she opens the door both of us laughing we follow her into the kitchen where Jed is standing looking pissed off. I hate Jed i mean i really don't like him. maybe it's because of how i would do anything to be with Jade or how he's never liked me being friends with Jade but also because i just don't trust him there's something strange about him i just can't put my finger on it yet. "so where is she?" Louis asks Jesy putting all the food down on the island "living room she hasn't stopped crying all day god bless her"Jesy sighs and Louis running to the living room i place all the food down on the island next to Louis' and help Jesy get everything out. we all decided the best way to help Perrie is to have a big movie night with all her favourite snacks it's her favourite thing to do, i know Leigh went and got Hatchi for her so i imagine she's in her element now. "is everything alright Jed?" i ask him as he angrily moans to himself he looks up at me with the biggest death glare i've probably ever received, i kinda feel like deep down he knows how i feel about Jade about how much i love my best friend and how perfect i think she is because we have never got along. "that's none of your business is it" he snaps at me and storms off my eyes widening as i look at Jesy "you could be the nicest to that man and he'd still wanna rip your head off i swear" Jesy shakes her head making me laugh Jade wandering in looking very confused "what's his problem?" she exclaims we both just shrug and carry on preparing the food "so what has she said?" i ask Jade leaning one arm on the counter and resting my head in my hand "well" Jade says slamming her hands on the table and making me laugh a little damn she's so cute "she has built up my anger all day because he dumped her by text and has flew to america right?" she asks me i nod trying to look angry because of course i'm angry but how can i when she's so cute when she's angry and she over exaggerates everything that just makes her adorable "but then we find out that for the past few weeks he's been seeing that Gigi Hadid behind her back" she exclaims and that's when my eyes widen damn i never had Zayn labelled as that. "fucking hell poor Perrie" i sigh she really is the last person who deserves that "i know years wasted on a dick just to be cheated on it's so not fair" Jesy exclaims i laugh and follow both of them into the living room seeing Perrie broken hearted cuddling into Louis, she'll get through this i know she will shes the strongest person i know

 "fucking hell poor Perrie" i sigh she really is the last person who deserves that "i know years wasted on a dick just to be cheated on it's so not fair" Jesy exclaims i laugh and follow both of them into the living room seeing Perrie broken heart...

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jadeameliabadwi i love you baby❤️
perrieeele: i love you more🥺

"but love isn't fair so i swear this time, this is the end"

The Beginning Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt