Chapter 33. First & Last

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Niall (happy 1st of december i love how good timing this is lol)
i watch Jade as she peacefully sleeps a million things running through my mind, Perrie told me about everything she told her and i don't understand why she felt like that and i kinda hope what Perrie said and what Jesy said made her feel better seeing as i didn't get a chance to speak to her, i must have came home about 11pm and she was fast asleep with Jesy waiting up for me next to her. i don't want this to ruin our first Christmas as a couple the last Christmas that is just us two, i really wanted today to just be perfect. i stand up and go into my wardrobe going right to the end and pulling out a couple clothes until i get to the box i've been hiding, i check it one last time before putting it in my joggers pocket i then put my clothes back to where there supposed to be and go back out to Jade i've been up for maybe an hour or so and i'm kinda desperate for her to wake up so i can give her my present i go to her side bending down in front of her and gently shaking her shoulder "baby wake up" i whisper her eyes slightly flicker a tiny smile forming on her face when they open "merry christmas" i smile at her moving some hair out of her face she smiles rubbing her eyes a little "merry christmas" she mumbles sitting up i stand up and sit next to her i reach into my pocket pulling out the box as soon as she notices it she gasps i hand it to her she looks at me her eyes full of happiness as she opens it "aww Ni"she exclaims her instantly wrapping her arms around me i smile hugging her back "so you like it?" i ask she nods "i love it"
"your last Christmas before you become a dad that's crazy to think" Liam says to me, me, him, harry, louis and alex all sitting on the patio stairs of Liams garden i nod taking a sip of my beer "crazy but i can't wait" i shrug putting my hand through my hair, i honestly thought that it would be me last to become a dad out of the boys that it would be last to even get a girlfriend last year i wouldn't have even thought i'd be where i am today. "have you guys decided a name yet?" Harry asks i shake my head even though that's a huge lie but we've decided to just keep it to ourselves just incase we decide to change it when she's born, it's just under 2 months before well finally get to meet her and i've never been more excited for something in my life, my mum told me it's the most amazing but most indescribable feeling that i'll ever feel in my life when i first hold her and it will probably be just as, maybe even more amazing as when i'm on stage. i am nervous and i'm terrified i'm gonna be a bad dad but i suppose no ones perfect at first and it really is just a learning process but i do think that for me and Jade it's the perfect timing. i look up when i start to notice white bits falling from the sky "is that snow?" Louis asks as it starts to get heavier and the ground slowly starts to become white we all stand up running inside to tell the girls, we walk into the living room,Louis running proving that he's still five in the head "it's snowing" he exclaims making all the girls laugh all of them jumping up and running to grab there coats as we do the same. i grab Jades hand seeing as she kinda can't run out at the moment once we get outside we sit on the couches watching everyone play in the snow her head resting on my shoulder my arm around hers "i hope it snows next year too"i whisper to her she looks up at me giving me a toothless smile "us and the baby can play in it and it'll be a perfect first christmas" i tell her she nods in agreement wrapping her arms around me

 i grab Jades hand seeing as she kinda can't run out at the moment once we get outside we sit on the couches watching everyone play in the snow her head resting on my shoulder my arm around hers "i hope it snows next year too"i whisper to her she ...

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perrieeele my favourite present is him❤️

perrieeele my favourite present is him❤️louist91

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louist91 merry christmas everhone!❤️

niallhoran best christmas yet❤️jadeyannialler: she's adorable🥺

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niallhoran best christmas yet❤️
jadeyannialler: she's adorable🥺

"i need to show you just how much i love you this christmas"

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