Chapter 61. Jake

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hey if anyone could recommend me a book to read wether it's lm,1d, jiall, jerrie, alerrie or whatever you'd be a life saver xo
"your just worrying because it's still fresh" Perrie tells me as i wrap my hands around my mug on the table, me Perrie and Jesy decided to go out for some breakfast this morning so i could talk to them about the panic attacks i've been having before every show this past week. Jesy nods in agreement "we'll get you through it" Jesy sympathetically smiles at me i just nod and look out the window, at first it was just doing shows but i'm starting to feel a lot more panicky and nervous wherever i go i'm just scared of what people may do. "oh my god" Jesy then mutters climbing over Perrie and pushing her where she was to sit by the window "wh-" Perrie goes to say but then her eyes widen i shuffle over to the end of the seat discreetly shooting my head around the chair and joining in the with shock "that's Jake" i whisper both of them nodding. Jake is Jesys ex fiancé, we all generally thought they were meant to be and they were gonna last forever but sadly they split because Jake weren't sure if he ever wanted to have children and Jesy was adamant she did, i miss Jake he was really good to her and a proper gentlemen and he always made all of us laugh. i watch Perrie and Jesy unsure of what else to do "oh god he's coming over" Perrie whispers Jesy tensing up, i don't think she's ever truly got over Jake because she didn't really let herself "hi girls" Jake smiles me and Perrie both happily saying hi back while Jesy slowly turns her head to look at him "hi" she mutters nearly completely frozen i look at Perrie who just shrugs at me "i'm actually really glad i bumped into you guys, Jes would you have a minute to chat?" he asks she looks up at him chewing her lip then glancing over to me and Perrie who both just nod at her. she deserves someone like Jake again someone who's gonna treat her like the queen she is and i do think he could do that for her, and maybe he wants to talk about how he's changed his mind "well leave you guys to it" i smile standing up Perrie jumping up with me we both quickly hug Jake and then he sits in my place. Perrie links me as we walk out the cafe i quickly put on some sunglasses and pull my hoodie up so it's covering my face "babe i promise you nothing is gonna happen" Perrie giggles a little i just shake my head i have a really bad feeling
i chew my lip as i put Aria down into her pram i look at the time at the clock sighing a little, i look around the room making eye contact with Lou who just nods at the door signalling for me to go, i run out the door and to the girls dressing room, i've been trying to get everything done before Jade starts to panic about the show so then there's nothing that can make her panic more. i take a deep breath before knocking "come in" Leigh shouts, i walk in Jade already sitting and staring in the mirror the other three giving me sympathetic looks as they walk out. it's really unfair that Jade feels this way and i wish there was some way i could take the feeling away but hopefully one day she'll gain her confidence back "hey bubs" i smile wrapping my arms around her shoulders resting my head gassing hers "hi" she mumbles keeping her eyes focused on her "what's up?"i ask her she fidgets with her hands "my hair doesn't look good does it" she whispers tilting her head a little "it looks perfect babe" i tell her she shakes her head "look at my makeup there all gonna laugh" she mutters her hands grabbing mine tightly "no there not you look stunning baby" i tell her she shakes her head "don't lie to me" she says, when she gets like this it's scary because it seems like nothing registers in her mind at first but then it gets to the bad part as her breathing starts to become unsteady i pick her up sitting down in her seat and placing her on my knee holding her close to my chest "i love you baby, i promise everything will be okay" i whisper kissing her forehead she shakes her head sniffling a little "baby your the most perfect girl in the world, and anyone that thinks otherwise is so stupid and clearly can't see, everyone out there loves you and your gonna do amazing, and then when it's over me you and Ari can go to the hotel room and cuddle while we all fall asleep" i whisper to her she just nods holding onto my t shirt tightly, breaking my heart.

jadeameliabadwi  @/perrieeele photography skills>☕️💗@/perrieeele: the cutest photo i've ever taken🤷🏽‍♀️💗

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jadeameliabadwi  @/perrieeele photography skills>☕️💗
@/perrieeele: the cutest photo i've ever taken🤷🏽‍♀️💗

"let the nerves take over, how i feel isn't what you see"

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