Chapter 14. Well

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"i'm so glad your here" Niall smiles as we finally get into his bedroom "me too" i smile he so precious he truly does deserve the world and i hope i can give him that and make him truly happy. we both fall down on the bed both just staring into each other's eyes "so how does pizza and movies sound?"he asks me giving me a quick kiss at the end "perfect" i smile he turns around grabbing his phone and starts to order the pizza, tonight i have to build up the courage to tell him and then tomorrow night i have to do this i can't hide it from him any longer i just pray he takes it well
"now talking about relationships" the interviewer says and i try not to groan i know the exact question she's about to ask seeing as i've already probably been asked at least 30 times in the past two days "Niall what are all these airport pictures?" she exclaims i laugh a little putting my hand through my hair looking over to Jade standing behind all the cameras with Perrie by her side "just two good friends that's all" i shrug trying to laugh it off, were not ready to come out to the world yet we want to keep it our secret for a little while but i know the rumours will still fly high until then because no one can ever seem to let things like this go. i look over across the room again watching Jade and Perrie quietly laughing to each other i suppose it's probably raising suspicion but oh well i'd rather her be here. see if it was up to me i'd tell the whole world and let everyone know because i'm so proud i finally get to call her mine but i respect Jade for it i know exactly why she doesn't want to yet and i completely understand it to because i know if i was in her position i'd want to do the same. "and that's all we have time for thank you very much boys" the interviewer cheers and the cameras stop "right we're done for the day have a great rest of your day stay safe" our manager smiles we all nod standing up from the sofa and walking straight over to Perrie and Jade "you guys looked soooo engaged there"Perrie says sarcastically making us all laugh
me and Niall have just got back from the most difficult date ever, not because it was bad for us but because we bumped into multiple fans and were followed by multiple paps so had to act like there was nothing going on and it's made it ten times harder for me to tell him my news now but it has to be done we walk into his room him throwing his jacket on the floor "well that was eventful to say the least" he laughs a little i nod laughing with him "it's annoying ain't it" i sigh sitting down on the bed he nods sitting next to me "i promise that from now on all our dates will one hundred percent be better than those" he says making me laugh i look into his eyes he's so happy and i'm so scared i'm about to ruin that but it has to be done "what's up?" he asks starting to worry a little Niall can read me like an open book he has been able to for most of the time we've known each other he said it was really easy to pick up all my traits i like it though "i have something huge to tell you and when i say huge i mean it" i rush he nods grabbing onto my hands i hold on tighter my heart starting to race my lips forgetting how to move for a second or two tears forming in my eyes "whatever it is i'm sure it will all be fine" he smiles he's so positive it's something i've always loved about him no matter how much someone's tried to hurt him he's always just smiled and not let it get to him "remember like around a month ago what happened when we got home from the club?" i ask him he nods smirking a little but his face then drops a little mostly confused "what about it?" he mutters breaking my heart over how hurt he looks like he's done something wrong he has so much insecurity that just doesn't need to be there because he couldn't be more of a perfect human "well" i mumble making this ten times harder for myself because i seem to have forgotten how to speak
"i'm pregnant"

 "and that's all we have time for thank you very much boys" the interviewer cheers and the cameras stop "right we're done for the day have a great rest of your day stay safe" our manager smiles we all nod standing up from the sofa and walking stra...

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niallhoran 😮
harrystyles: it's more 😲

"you don't have to be afraid"

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