Chapter 12. Worry

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Jade (sorry it's been a while)
i look around Perrie and Nialls living room all the girls cuddled up together all laughing and gossiping for some reason i feel quiet i don't feel like talking, i feel like half of me is in a completely different country right now and hes only been gone a couple hours, i suppose absence makes the heart grow fonder. "i'm just gonna go get a drink" i mutter standing up and walking out of the room i go down the corridor and into Nialls room clothes all over the floor from when he couldn't decide what outfits he wanted to take and what he didn't we didn't make the bed either and it's kinda a really mess room right now i sit down on the bed sighing a little multiple things racing through my mind. i wish i had of told him what i had to tell him and now i have no idea when i'll be able to. i pick up one of his hoodies and deciding to throw it over me i know none of the girls will question it because i always used to do this with Nialls clothes when he was away. i lay down shutting my eyes oh how i wish he was here "thought i might find you here" i jump out my skin as i sit up seeing Perrie stood there leaning on the door frame i give her a confused look "i kinda clocked onto you guys when you went out together and you ended up in his bed" she raises her eyebrows i just laugh falling back onto the bed as she comes and sits next to me "i know the feeling of when they fly away but it'll go quicker than you think" she smiles at me pushing my hair out of my face i rest my head on her lap shutting my eyes so i don't cry "it's not just that though" i mumble deciding that if i can't tell Niall then i'll just tell Perrie
"so you guys are actually a thing now" Harry whispers to me i nod turning up the tv so Louis and Liam can't hear us "yeah i just decided to ask her the same night and we spend the past few days together"i smile at him i did try and facetime Jade before but she didn't answer and she hasn't answered my messages either and i'm starting to get a little worried seeing as it's been a while "i'm so happy for you man" he smiles giving me a quick hug as Louis and Liam walk in "alright lads" Louis smiles we both nod turning our attention back to the TV i can't help but get anxious about Jade is she okay? did something happen? i'm trying to convince myself that if something was wrong one of the other girls would have told me by now but i guess you just never know. she's all i can think about shes the only thing on my mind, i look down at my phone not one message from her making all the other notifications seem pointless "erm i'm just gonna go sit in my room for a while"i mutter to the lads walking out of the living room and into my own room i unlock my phone going straight onto Jades contact i click facetime and wait there for a while but she still doesn't answer i throw my phone next to me and just sigh a million and one things going through my head anything could have happened i'm even getting to the point where i'm wondering if she still feels the same way about me, i guess you could say i'm a really bad over thinker.
"oh god" Perrie mumbles unsure of what to say "are your sure?" she asks i nod tears falling down my cheeks "positive. it was when we came home from the club" i mutter perrie wrapping her arms around me she just nods playing with my hair and comforting me best she can "so like a month ago?" she asks i nod i've knew for two weeks of that and i just wish i had of told someone sooner "it'll be okay you know" she whispers holding me close "i hope so. i just hope he takes it well" i mumble

jesymix14 find some sleeping beauty's this afternoon💗jerrieisreal: the cutest babies🥺

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jesymix14 find some sleeping beauty's this afternoon💗
jerrieisreal: the cutest babies🥺

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