the one with the storm

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Jongin thought he felt his entire body go numb when they got the news.

Congratulations, you're having twins.

Jongin had just started really processing the fact that they were going to be parents. And now here they were being told that not only were they having one baby, no they were having two.

He looked at Taemin and found the same expression that he knew was on his face mirrored back at him. Disbelief. Complete and utter disbelief.

Jung Ah was looking at them with the same expression, except her's was mixed with a look of excitement. And Jongin made sure to ask why she looked so thrilled once they were back in his car. Taemin and Jongin had drove to the doctors office in separate cars - Taemin having to go back to the studio as soon as the appointment was over, while Jongin was driving Jung Ah home since she had been dropped off by Sehun.

"So why are you looking so happy? That means two babies you have to give birth to."

"Because this way you all get to have two kids. You went from not having any and not sure you'd ever get to have any, to now you're going to have two. Of course I'm happy, Nini."

"I think I'm in shock." Jongin said, shaking his head. "Of course Taemin has to be so good at everything that he manages to knock you up twice."

"When you put it that way, you really make it sound like something went on that didn't."

Jongin laughed, "Okay - that his sperm manages to knock you up twice. I just... I can't believe we're having twins."

"You all going to be able to handle two babies?"

"I mean we'll have to figure out some way to handle two kids. Cause we kind of already have them, can't exactly go back now. Can we?"

Jung Ah laughed, smacking Jongin's arm gently. "No, you can't go back now. For the record, I knew it was a possibility that it was going to be twins. That's what they had told me that we would check the next time I was here - I didn't want to tell you in case that wasn't the outcome, I didn't want to get your alls hopes up on something that wasn't a certain. They had told me that my levels were looking more like twins, but that it could just be nothing."

"You could have told me. We were so worried that something was wrong with the baby... never would have guessed that it would actually be babies."

"Twins though." Jongin said as soon as he walked through the door to their house, spotting the older man sitting on the couch.

"I know. It's crazy." Taemin replied, shaking his head as he looked over at Jongin. "I can't wait."

Jongin sat down beside Taemin, laughing lightly. "I just can't believe we're going to be going from just a family of two to a family of four in one go."

Taemin laughed, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Jongin's cheek. "You look like you're about to run."

"Thought about it." Jongin said jokingly, looking over at Taemin with a smile. "But I figured you'd know where I was and come find me and drag me back."

"You got that right." Taemin said, smiling widely. "You are completely stuck with me, babe."

"No where else I'd rather be." Jongin said, shaking his head. "However can I bring the conversation back to the fact that that means two children we have to take care of and like make sure they turn out to be decent human beings?"

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