Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

A little girl's scream came from the Gryffindor corner. A long, loud scream, as if she was getting murdered. Then another scream, from an older girl from the Ravenclaw corner. I only recognised it as my own, but it wasn't. It had to have been Auzilen.

"Auzi!" I exclaimed, standing back up, but being held in my place by the two girls on my arms and one girl gripping my shoulder.

"Raven, no!" Pansy said to me.

"I know that many of you will want to fight," the whispering voice of the Dark Lord said, "Some of you may even think that fighting is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

Pansy let go of me and pushed through the Slytherin crowd.

"What are you waiting for? Somebody grab him!" She yelled to the rest of the students.

Of course, his girlfriend was the first to stand in front of him, joined by the rest of his friends.

"Students out of bed!" A voice echoed, "Students out of bed!"

The voice repeated this until Filch ran into the Great Hall, stopping when he saw that all the students were here.

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot." McGonagall said to him, making him apologise.

"But as it happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you please to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the Hall." McGonagall ordered.

"Exactly where is it I'll be leading them to ma'am?"

"The dungeons would do."

I watched as Pansy turned around, arms crossed, and walked back to me and the girls. We began to get escorted out of the hall as the students cheered once again. As we left, we passed Auzilen.

"Auzi, are you alright?" I asked the girl with tear stained cheeks.

"Since when have you ever cared?" She snapped and turned away from me.

In all honesty, I never really cared about her until now. She was all I had left of my father and if she and my father were both gone; I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

"I have to go, cover me if someone asks?" I asked Pansy.

"I've got your back, go on." She told me.

As the Slytherins walked down the stairs to the Dungeons, I separated from the group and went down a different hall instead. I had to get up to the seventh floor. As I climbed a set of stairs, I heard a 'whoosh' sound.


I turned around to see Ross.

"What are you doing down there? Follow me and tell me everything!" I exclaimed.

We trudged up flight after flight of stairs. He told me everything he saw. Voldemort and his army were close. I noticed lights fly towards the sky, beginning to form a shield. Ross and I climbed our final steps and I ran to a window without glass. I stood inside the castle walls, watching as the magic dome around the school closed, trapping us inside. Stone knights that once stood on the castle sprang to life.

"Raven, where should I go?" Ross asked me.

I turned to look at the boy.

"Not here. Get yourself as far away from here as possible." I told him, turning back to look out the window, "And please do not get yourself killed."

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