Chapter Twenty

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"Hey Scarhead! Happy to have your favourite Slytherin back?" I shouted across the front hall of the castle.

I watched as the trio in Gryffindor robes turned to face me. I could see that this was the first time Potter knew about me being back. He stared for a good minute; a good, long, cold, stare. I smirked at him. Hermione Granger gave me a disgusted look before grabbing the boys and continued walking to wherever they were going.

"That actually made me feel a lot better." I told Draco, smiling up at him.

"But now you have to go after them." He told me.

I looked back at the trio. Fearlessly, I marched my way through the scattered people in the halls to catch up to the three.

"Where you going in such a rush?" I called.

They began to climb a flight of stairs and Draco and I stood at the bottom.

"I'm back, Potter! I'm going to continue to make your life a living hell, just like last year and they year before that!" I yelled to them, "I haven't changed one bit! Don't think I'm going be a fraction of nice to you! Nothing has changed!"

I watched as they reached the top and turned the corner, out of sight. I took a breath.

"I've been waiting for you to do that all day." Draco told me.

I smiled to myself and turned to face him.

"Can we go to the Common Room?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded, holding his hand out to me. I quickly took it and held him close to me as we walked to the dungeons. When we got there, I really felt at home. Draco and I walked to the couches and sat down. I draped my legs over Draco's lap. I held Draco's one hand in my two hands.

"So fill me in on this Professor Umbridge. How is she as a teacher?" I asked in a whisper.

"I overheard someone saying that she teaches theory; hypothetical defence. And she's been giving the school new rules and I don't think she's going to stop making them." He explained.

"What rules?"

"Well the first decree was that she had to come to Hogwarts to make sure that this was a good school and had good educational foundation. Then she was High Inquisitor. Then, without her consent, meetings consisting of over three people were forbidden. After that, in November, it was passed that she had more authority over punishments than most of the staff." He told me.

"She sounds like a bloody mess!" I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder, "How is the school not holding a rebellion against her?"

"More like; how is Potter not having a temper tantrum every time he sees her?" He scoffed.

I laughed with him.
But that all stopped when my eyes felt drier than usual. I let go of Draco's hand and rubbed my eyes. I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe the first thing I saw.

"No," I whispered, "No, no. no!"

I grabbed the robes of the boy next to me. Blue robes were clenched in my fists. I dropped them and pushed myself onto the other side of the couch.

"Rava? Is everything okay?" The boy on the other side of the couch asked.

I looked up to see a boy with shoulder length, brown, hair and brown eyes. Thankfully, my surroundings haven't changed, but there was no escape from my father's mistake. So I just stared at those brown eyes. The eyes that were meant to be blue.

"You don't see what I'm seeing." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"'Something weird happened today,'" I said, like I told him like in the letter I sent him the first day I arrived at Ilvermorny.

I Am Not Nothingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن