Chapter Thirteen

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I tried so hard to make every day go by slowly. I woke up earlier than everyone, and fell asleep long after just so my days took longer to get through, and therefore leaving me sleep deprived, making the days seem like they were taking forever. But no matter how slow those days went on, the end of the year came around much too quick. 
I woke up at four in the morning and got dressed and washed up. At these early hours, I got my homework and sat in the lounge to work by candle light until the rest of the Slytherins got up. And half an hour before breakfast began, at half after seven, Draco would come down and keep me company.

"You're still doing work on the last day of school?" He asked me, yawning.

"Have to make the most of today. I need to finish studying for today's potions exam, and I need to go and look at the whomping willow and the black lake. I need to glare at the giant oaf's shack and look into the forbidden forest and wish I could go in. I need to spend time with you and Zabini and Crabbe and Goyle and the girls. I need to hate the people here. I have so much to do in only a limited amount of hours." I explained, looking through the pages of my potions book.

"Rave, you still have three years to do all of that," He said, taking my book, "An I don't think you have anything to worry about on this last exam. You're the potions master's daughter. You know everything about potions. You have since you were little."

I sighed and placed my head on the table.

"I don't have three years left, Draco!" I yelled and looked back up at him,"This is my last day at this school! Why else would I be wanting to taking in every little detail of this giant pile of rubble? I have one day left to do everything! Then I'll be gone!"

He stared at me, stunned.

"What do you mean?" He asked, "You cant be serious."

"I'm always serious. So after exams, I need to make the best out of this trash heap. Then we pack up and leave tonight. And tomorrow morning, the Minister for Magic is coming to my home on Spinner's End and taking me to America. Do you understand why I've been taking away so much sleep? I need to be awake to make the most of my life here because tomorrow, I won't be living in Britain." I explained.

"You're switching homes with Nexxremys?" He asked.

I nodded. I will live in America, and she will move in with father. 

"No, you can' leave." He said, shaking his head.

"I have no choice."

"No, do you hear me? You can't."

"Draco, I have to. No one gave me a choice."

"No! You can't leave me, Raven! I'm not giving you a choice! You have to stay!"

"If I could, I would! I wouldn't even think about leaving! But this school doesn't give me a choice! Dumbledore, Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, my father, they all want me gone and don't get me started on the students!" I exclaimed, "And we are not going to make the best of today fighting over whether I'm leaving or not because it has been written in my book for months now and it hasn't changed. I'm leaving and it's final! If I was given a choice to stay or leave, I would choose to stay in a heartbeat, but I can't. You need to understand that."

He was quiet for a second before nodding. I grabbed my book and put it in my bag, along with some ink and parchment. Other Slytherins gathered in the lounge in groups before leaving for breakfast. Draco and I waited for the others, and when most of them did, we left, knowing the ones sleeping in would join us soon. So it was me, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson and Greengrass, accompanied by her little sister, that went to breakfast. Davis, Bulstrode and Zabini were the only ones that refused to leave the common room so early. It didn't matter. I could survive not seeing them now. We walked into the great hall and sat at our table. There was so much to do. How was I supposed to get it all done in a couple hours? I ate my toast and berries quickly so I could get to take a couple minutes to circle the castle. I did this every day. I would eat my breakfast quickly, then take off with Draco to walk through every corridor of the school. But today, I managed to get everyone to walk with Draco and me. 

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