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I felt like if I didn't write this now, I would burst.

MJ sat on the bathroom floor, staring at the pregnancy test in shock.

She took her phone out from her pocket and dialled Peter's number.

"Hey. What's up babe?"
Peter asked.

"I need you to come here now. It's important."
MJ said urgently.

"What happened MJ? Are you alright?"

"Peter please. I need you here right now."
MJ pleaded.

"Ok I'm heading over now. Should I just walk in?"

"Yeah, the front door's unlocked."

"Ok. I'll be over in five minutes. Bye MJ."

"Bye Peter."
MJ hanged up and chucked her phone somewhere, waiting for Peter to arrive.


Peter arrived and looked around for MJ.

"MJ? Where are you?"
Peter asked.

"I'm in the bathroom!"
MJ shouted.

Peter headed to the bathroom, not knowing what was gonna happen.

"MJ, what happened? Are you alright?"
Peter asked, sitting next to MJ on the bathroom floor.

She wordlessly handed the positive pregnancy test over. Peter's breath hitched.

"Ok ok. We can handle this. We're 18 years old. We can handle this."
Peter said.

"But we've still got school Pete."

"Yes, but only a month left and nobody would notice if you gained extra weight because you wear baggy jumpers."
Peter said.

"I'm scared babe."
MJ said.

"So am I but we can get through this together MJ, I know we can."
Peter kissed MJs head.

The two kissed lightly.


"They kicked me out Peter."
MJ sniffed over the phone on Sunday night, a few days since they found out the news of the pregnancy.

"Ok it's fine, you can stay with me it'll be fine baby."
Peter reassured her.


"Just head to the tower and I'll meet you in the reception area."
Peter said.

"Ok babe. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Mr Stark. Can MJ stay with us? Her parents kicked her out."
Peter asked.

"There's no spare rooms though."

"It's fine. We'll be fine sharing."
Peter said.

"Are you sure?"
Tony asked.

"Yeah it's fine Mr Stark."

"Ok. When will she be here?"

"In a few minutes. I'm gonna go down and meet her."
Peter left the room.


MJ walked into the fancy reception area of Avengers Tower. She looked around and spotted Peter.

MJ said.

"Hey. Come on, I'll show you my room and you can drop your stuff of there."

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