"Pidge is right, I can barely keep my eyes open and I'm sure it worse for our two drivers. We just pull over in the pit stop. We need to sleep" Lance mumbled as he glanced back to the Honda seeing Krollia driving and Coran seemed fast asleep in the passenger seat. 

"Wait, we gonna sleep on the side of a road. We be sitting ducks if someone pass by" Allura whispered yelled.

"We not being chased, we just getting some distance from the camp since we not sure where the other not so friendly camp is hiding. But we should be alright for now and they right we all need sleep. I might end up crashing soon" Shiro replied and started to turn in the pit stop where a sos phone that clearly wouldnt work anymore.

Krollia soon followed his lead and pulled in behind him, parking up before the Jeep with the sos phone box behind them. Everyone who was still awake all jumped out of their cars, stretching their legs and glancing round to the slight bush beside the pit side that would soon become their toilet for the night. 

Krollia, Shiro, Pidge, Keith, Matt, Lance, Hunk, Shay and Allura was the only ones still awake leaving Coran and Romelle fast asleep in the Honda. 

"Should we set up the tents" Hunk asked as he stood with his arm around Shay who was clearly a little cold but then so was everyone on this chilly night.

"Tents" Allura asked unsure and no one was in the right mind set to explain anything right now.

"We don't have enough tents for everyone, even with the three we have we already sharing. We have no choice but to just sleep in the cars" Shay spoke up as she rubbed her eye a little.

"Shay right, even with the tents we got we won't fit eleven people in. I mean me, you and Lance are already not enjoying the shared tent. Hunk and Shay packed into their own tent and soon they be sharing it with a baby. Pidge tent in a single tent that most wouldnt be able to fit in anyway. We need to get some more or find a place to camp out for awhile" Keith sighed as he rubbed his neck a little.

"Iverson, before we left he told me that an old camping store in the next city near the edge. He was thinking of sending some men to get supplies before the garrison walked on but never did since the garrison had to leave in a hurry. Maybe we can check it out and get more tents for us all" Krollia spoke up with her hands on her hips remembering what her fellow soldier told her about before they left. She hoped the older man would be ok back on camp but he was so sure on staying and helping Kolivan with protecting the last numbers of people. 

"Sounds like a plan but for now lets all get some sleep" Shiro smiled as Pidge sleepily nodded beside him while yawning.

"Wait hang on, Keith shares a tent with Shiro and Lance. Should I be jealous, feel bad for Shiro or laugh" Matt quickly asked as he looked to his boyfriend.

"Can we not talk about the tent sharing, I'm sure we can change it around when we getting more tents. Just lets sleep" Lance mumbled as he walked to the car.

"Sleep" Pidge cheered making the others laugh before they all climbed back into the cars, throwing sleeping bags around to keep them warm. Thankfully Krollia, Allura, Coran, Romelle and Matt was able to bring their sleeping bags from Kolivan camp so everyone had something to keep them warm for now.

Morning slowly came along but no one was going to be an early riser not after the little sleep so far. All just suffering around in their seats to hide from the sun, all thankful they took their seatbelts off when sleeping. Lance and Keith was unsure over falling asleep without their seatbelts after the sharp break wake up call by Shiro last time but they knew he be too tired to get embarrassed again. 

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