Never Been Better - Jax Teller

Start from the beginning

"You good Darlin'" He chuckled

"Never been better" You smirked as he helped you up right wrapping a bandage round you thigh.

You and Jax always had an amazing connection, you had grew up with him and you was the first to admit that you had a crush on him, in face the whole club knew except the man himself.

"So you single now" He grinned flashing you his famous Teller smirked, that made you weak at the knees, luckily you was still sat on the pool table.

"Get outta of it Teller" You laughed punching his chest. "Go find a croweater or summet and let me bask in the single life"

"Oh god lock your sons up everyone" Chibs laughed ducking as you threw the bloody gauze at his face before lighting up a cigarette.

"So whens the next run" You asked taking a long drag on the cigarette letting the smoke fill your lungs.

"Tonight but you are staying put" Clay glared.

"You got to be fucking kidding me" You huffed, that was on thing you hated, missing out of the run.

"You need to let that leg heal" He sternly said before disappearing

"No fucking fair" You glared at him as you stubbed the cigarette out. "I get fucking slashed and miss out on the fun, wish I killed that prick now"

Sliding off the pool table you tried to walk normally over to the bar which failed causing you to hobble over.

"Darlin' you are hobbling on that leg so decision is final you are staying put" Jax said appearing at your side.

"Oh bite me Teller" You sassed grabbing a beer.

"Is that an invite" He smirked causing you to punch him again.


To say you was bored was an understatement, the club was quite with the guys gone.

"You okay kid" Dad asked appearing next to you.

"Just peachy" You scoffed rolling your eyes.

"You know Clay only stopped you going because you need to heal, nothing personal" he said

"I know it just sucks, sitting around isn't good for me" You sighed.

Piney saw your eyes glazed over, he knew that look, it was the look you had when you was worrying about the guys, well mainly Jax.

"Just tell him kid" He said pulling you out your thoughts.

"Whats the point not like he will go for someone like me" you huffed.

Thing was you wasn't like the other girls that hung around here, you wasn't skinny like they was and was seen as one of the guys even with the flirty banter that was tossed around. Your skin was covered in ink, your style was different, and your personality was different.

"Hey look at me kid" Dad said as you cocked your head over your shoulder "Get them thoughts out your head, yes you are a different breed than the girls that hang around here, in fact you are a million times better, I don't see them wearing the kutte with pride like you do. They don't do the shit you do for this club, they are disposable unlike you"

"Yeah but Jax obviously likes the disposable" You half laughed.

"That boy is blind, everyone can see it. Just try not to go down that dark hole" He smiled before disappearing.

It wasn't long until the guys came bursting through the doors with massive grins on their faces.

Jax instantly came over to you like he always did when you didn't go on a run. He arms wrapped around your waist as he took in your scent of watermelon mixed with alcohol and smoke. He wouldn't admit it but it always calmed him down. Pushing away slightly you noticed the blood on his shirt along with the bust lip.

You couldn't help yourself as you finger lightly ran over his lip as he saw the panic flash in your eyes.

"It's not my blood darlin'" He whispered and saw you visibly relax. "wanna go somewhere a bit quieter?"

The words was caught in your throat as his fingers grazed over your skin, so you just nodded at him, as he took your hand in yours leading you out to his bike tossing you your helmet. This was another thing you guys did after a run, just went on a ride.

Soon enough he pulled into a field not too far from the compound, cutting the engine he spun around facing you.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Y/N" he whispered running his fingers across you most recent tattoo on your arm.

"Probably be a miserable dick" You laughed softly taking in how the moonlight made his eyes sparkle.

"What are we doing?" He asked sounding very vulnerable.

"What do you mean Jax?" You responded.

"Come on, I know you feel it between us, the connection, the pull whatever you want to call it" He laughed ever so slightly.

"I guess I don't wanna lose you" You mumbled placing your hand on the side of his face as he nuzzled into it, not many people saw this side to Jax Teller, the more vulnerable side. "Because if I admit my true feelings and we fuck it up what happens then 'cause let's face it Jax we are both fuck ups"

"But what if I can promise that nothing would change if we did admit to whatever we are feeling, it would just involve a lot more kissing and sex" He chuckled "and if things don't work out and we are better off how we are then we just stop kissing and fucking."

"You can't promise that though, we don't know what would happen" You sighed.

"Well we don't know what will happen if we don't give it a shot" He said "Look you know I'm not good with words but I like the fact you are different and can give me a run for my money and you don't take any of my shit"

"Jax I'm nothing like the girl your sleep with" You laughed with sadness in your eyes.

"And" he smiled "I'm glad you aren't like them, they just want to say they slept with someone so high up in the club, whereas with you I can be myself, you know the shit that goes down because you are part of it, why do you think after a run or whatever I come straight to you. It's because you know what it's like, you can know what mood I'm in and know what to say to make the world feel right again"

You was speechless you didn't know he felt this way.

"Please say something darlin'" he whispered.

You didn't know what words to say in this moment, it wasn't very often you didn't have a comeback until now, so you did the only thing you thought would get the word you couldn't say across.

Placing a soft kiss on Jax's lips, he beard gently scratching your soft skin, he soon responded to your kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck playing with the hair at the base of his skull causing him to pull you closer to him, whilst holding his hand on the small of your back holding you protectively as you two expressed your feelings under the moonlight. 

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