Chapter 1

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So this is my first fic, sorry if it sucks! ^-^

Phil is sleeping, and I feel like watching him. His chest slowly moves up and down, and I stare at the picture of the small cat on his neck. I reach over to touch it, but retract my hand immediately, not wanting to wake him.

Everyone is born with a tattoo. But only one other person in the entire world has the same tattoo. Their soul mate. I get up and walk to the mirror. I pull my shirt up to reveal the exact same tattoo Phil has, but a bit below my ribcage. I smile, and yell out Phil's name. He slowly replies, and gets up.

"Guess what day it is!"

He smirks, "Our two year anniversary."

I give him a tight hug. Staying with you has been the best decision I've ever made."

"Oh, Dan. I love you more than you'll ever imagine."

"Same to you, babe."

He blushes a little and I kiss him on the cheek.

"How about we make a video together?"

"Hmmm... What about?"

Phil grabs the concealer and covers up his tattoo.

"Maybe we should tell them."


I pause, unsure how to reply. We've had arguments about this before. He really wants the public to know we're together, but I feel like it isn't the right time yet. Once, he accused me of being embarrassed of him.

"I love you and all, but I just feel like the fans aren't ready for something like that."


I brush his hair back and tell him I'll be changing in our bedroom. He nods, telling me he's taking a shower.

I open up the drawers, and pick out black skinny jeans and one of our own shirts. This one isn't out to buy yet in our shop, that's one reason I love it.

It's a maroon color, and there's a cartoon version of Phil and I hugging at vidcon. Below that, it says our names.

After changing, I go in the kitchen and grab something to eat. I end up with a bowl of cereal in the main room, my laptop by my side. Phil comes out of the bathroom, his wet hair stuck to his face.

"Why did you get ready and then shower?"

"I forgot..."

I laugh. Phil always forgets things like that.

I see his tattoo peeking out of the top of his shirt and put my hand where my tattoo is. It's a little embarrassing having a kitten tattoo, honestly. Most people have cars, feisty animals, a beautiful scenery... But I still like my tattoo, because of how Phil loves kittens.

"How about we bake together, as a celebration? Not posting it or anything..."

I nod, "That's a great idea."

We head to the nearest shop and buy cake mix and sugar cookie mix.

When we get home, Phil takes out eggs and water to start the cake mix. I get a bowl and empty the powder from the box into it. While I stir, I accidently knock over the bowl, with all the mix in it. I look over at Phil, scared he will be sad, or angry. Instead, he bursts out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

Through his chuckles, he manages to say, "We are so clumsy, we can't even bake a stupid box cake! This was a terrible idea!"

I begin to feel a bit offended, but then I see the five eggs he dropped on the floor. I laugh until I have tears in my eyes, disappointed in both of us, but it's hilarious.

We start cleaning up the huge mess we made in our once flawless kitchen, with small bursts of laughter escaping from our mouths every so often.

Phil and I start on the cookie mix, and it goes pretty well. We only dropped one egg, and got a bit of the mix on the table. When it's in the oven, Phil and I just sit in the silence for a moment. I get up to hug Phil, he laughs and hugs back, and then speaks, his words slightly muffled by my sweater.

"You seem so clingy today, it's nice though. I'm usually the one who has to make us hug or kiss..."

"Better enjoy it, it's a special day."

We pull apart and look at each other. His beautiful blue eyes consume me, like a waterfall reflecting the flawless sky during a summer afternoon. I close my eyes and lean in to kiss him. His warm lips are soft, and he touches the back of my neck ever so slightly, making me cringe and shiver. I put my arms on his back, pulling him a little closer to me. His other hand is on the back of my head, stroking my hair downwards.

"I love you," Phil says, through our kiss.

"I love you," I reply.

We kiss to the sweet smell of cookies baking.

Only moments later, the oven goes off, ending our kiss rather abruptly. I get the pan out of the oven, and Phil and I start frosting them right away. At the end, we only have a few cookies left, and barely any icing is gone. Phil reaches over and swipes the cookie crumbs off my shirt , making sure not to hurt me. I get mesmerized by his tattoo once again, and he notices. He pulls off his shirt, and I do the same, revealing my tattoo. Phil takes my hand and leads it to his neck, where I outline the shape of the cat. He touches my ribcage, feeling each bone until he reaches the tattoo that stands out on my pale skin.

"You are so perfect..." Phil says.

"Yeah right! Says you!"

Phil blushes and thanks me.

"You can't ever leave me, okay? If you ever leave I'll end my life. I can't live without you, Dan. I love you so much."

"I love you even more. I'll never leave you, Phil."

He nods and kisses me back.

I hold the ring inside the small box tightly in my lap, so he can't see. I hope he'll like it.

(A/N- should I continue the story? I'm not sure if its really that good or not...)

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