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Ronald Weasley was not used to being woken up in the middle of the night. At least not anymore. So when he woke up to screaming, he knew something was wrong

Sitting up, he saw the piercing scream had woken up all the other boys in the dorm. Except for one.

To his right was the Harry Potter, who was thrashing and screaming as he suffered through a nightmare.

"Harry, wake up!" Cried Neville Longbottom, who was at the foot of Harry's bed, shaking him in attempts to wake him up.

"He won't wake," Dean Thomas said desperately.

"Should we get a Professor or something?" Seamus Finnagin suggested uncertainly.

"I know someone who will be able to help." Ron said, swinging his feet over the side of the bed and slipping his slippers on. "Try and keep him quiet, I'll be right back."

And with that, Ron left the rest of the boys behind and threw on Harry's invisibility cloak, rushing down flights of stairs to get to the dungeon. He knocked on the painting that guarded the Slytherin common room and waited for it to open.

When a confused 5th year sleepily opened the common room, Ron slipped past and made his way to the boys dorms. He read through the seemingly countless nameplates before he reached the one that read 'Draco L. Malfoy.'

He opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind him. He threw off the invisibility cloak and began to shake the sleeping Draco.

"Malfoy, wake up!" He hissed.

Draco's eyes flew open and widened when he saw the ginger boy. "Weasley? What are you doing here?"

"It's Harry." He murmured desperately. "He's having a nightmare and we can't wake him up. "

Draco, who was wearing his pajamas, his quidditch hoodie and silk gray pants, sat up quickly and said to Weasley, "Lead the way."


Anxiety rose through Draco as he walked up the stairs that lead to the boys dormitory and heard piercing screams, which he recognized to be Harry's.

Forgetting the invisibility cloak, he rushed up the stairs, and was greeted by three wide eyed other boys who were grouped around Harry's bed, which held the poor dreaming boy.

"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Neville bit angrily.

"Fuck off, Longbottom, now move." He tried to get through the boys surrounding Harry's bed, but they made it so he couldn't get through to the screaming boy. "Please let me through," he pleaded.

"And why would we, Malfoy?" Dean asked coldly.

"Let him through." All the boys turned around and saw Ron.

"But he's-" Seamus started.

"Just trust me." Ron said. "Let him through."

The Gryffindor boys moved aside, and Draco rushed to Harry's side. "Wake up, Harry," he said softly, running his fingers through the raven black hair, which he knew calmed him down.

Harry stopped twitching, and after a last scream, he awoke in a cold sweat, surprised to see his boyfriend sitting above him. "Draco?" He breathed.

"Yeah, Harry, it's me." Draco gave him a small smile, and in return, Harry dragged him down into a hug.

"Please don't leave." He said softly, tears pricking his eyes.

"I won't, love, I won't." Draco said, wrapping the Gryffindor in his arms. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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