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For only a moment, Harry didn't move, but then desire overrode his shock, and he kissed back.

And it was the most wonderful thing.

The two finally released all the tension sitting between them for the better part of the year so far, in the most unexpected way. But they didn't mind.

Finally releasing from the kiss, Harry was surprised to see tears streaking down Draco's cheeks. He was even more surprised when he realized he was crying too.

"Dra- co." Harry choked out,hugging the blonde Slytherin.

"Yes? He murmured softly into Harry's ear.

"Thank you. For everything."


"Where were you yesterday, Harry?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Yeah, mate, you weren't in any of our classes." Ron chimed in.

"I'm fine, I just wasn't feeling well, so I went to the Room of Requirement." Harry assured them. Technically what he was saying wasn't entirely a lie. He wasn't feeling well originally, he just left out some of the juicier details.

"Oh, you should've gone to Madame Pomfrey!" Hermione chastened him. "Are you feeling well now?"

Harry smiled at her. "Yeah, 'Mione. Loads better."


"Draco, where in Merlin's tits have you been?" Pansy exclaimed as he walked in the Slytherin common room.

"I've been in the castle." He said smugly.

"Yeah, no SHITE, Malfoy. Maybe a better question to ask is who were you with."

Draco's signature smirk faltered for a moment and Pansy did a fist pump. "YES! You were with a boy weren't you?"

"A boy?" Blaise drawled as he strolled in. "Has Ickle Dracykins finally gotten himself a boyfriend?"

Draco flushed red. "Shut up, the both of you! Where I was is none of your business."

"You were with Potter, weren't you?" Pansy said delightedly. Her face lit up even more when Draco didn't respond. "Yes! You finally made a move!"

Blaise snickered. "I wasn't informed of Draco's infatuation with Potter, but I can't say I'm surprised."

"Both of you, shut up." Draco growled. "And if a word of this happens to reach anyone else, don't expect to hear from me again." Draco then proceeded to enter his room and close his door.

"He's in for it deep," Pansy commented.

Blaise nodded agreement.


Draco collapsed into his bed as he reached his room, squeezing his eyes shut. Truth be told, his mental state wasn't much better than Harry's. He was just good at hiding it by now.

He was actually doing well for a month or so, before Madame Pomfrey had to cut him off of his pepper-up potion. 'Too close to overdosing,' she said. He laughed bitterly. In truth, she was low on supplies and giving the potions she had to people who weren't death eater scum like him.

He hadn't returned to any of his bad habits, but his thoughts were becoming so overwhelming, he wasn't sure if he could deal with it anymore. There was probably only one thing keeping him from relapsing into his formal state, and that was Harry. He felt he had to stay strong for the poor boy, help him find ways to cope with the emotions he was going through.

If Draco was honest, Harry probably had a lot of unidentified mental issues, and was suffering from lack of treatment. He knew Harry wouldn't want to go to Madame Pomfrey, so he only had to hope that his attention was enough.

Steven Universe  is over and I am not okay (I promise). I cried for a straight, oh, pardon me, gay hour. I don't think I've ever cried that much over a cartoon. Please send help.

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