"I don't care, stay there and I'll get you some water and then you can have a shower."

"Ok, thanks." Harry rolled his eyes, shaking his head slightly at Niall.

"Here ya go." Harry took the water, sipping it slowly.

"Thank you Louis, now if you don't mind I'm going to have a shower." Harry joked.

"Off you pop then."


"I don't feel good." Harry whimpered as soon as they'd made their way offstage.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel really cold and-" he doubled over, throwing up.

"Oh god, we shouldn't have let you perform after this morning." Liam groaned.

"It was just a dizzy spell this morning, that's normal." Harry whispered.

"Let's get you back to the bus Haz. Zayn, can you get a bucket or something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Can you walk or do we need to carry you?"

"I can walk." He mumbled, taking slow steps forwards.

"Right, come on, I'm carrying you." Louis said as he wobbled.

"But Lou I'm far too heavy. And no offence but you're small."

"Oh give me a break, I'm big." Louis huffed. "And I can definitely carry you." Harry was scooped up in one swift motion as Louis carried him towards the bus. "And Harry there's no way you can say you're heavy again. You're bloody light as a feather."

"It's cause I just threw up." He groaned.

Louis chose to ignore this comment as he stepped inside the bus, placing Harry on the sofa.

"Bucket!" Harry spluttered, reaching out.

"Oh Haz, what are we going to do with you, ey? How about you and I watch a film, yeah?" Louis rested his hand against Harry's forehead. "God you feel hot." He frowned.

"I'm cold." Harry argued.

"I think you have a fever. Liam!"

"Louis!" Liam shouted back as he entered the room.

"Do you think Harry has a fever?"

"Get the thermometer from the bathroom." Louis ran off, quickly returning.

He watched as Liam pressed it against Harry's forehead. "Yep, you definitely have a fever Harry." He attempted to snatch the blanket that Harry had somehow acquired from him, however Harry just gripped it tighter.

"M cold."

"You're burning up."

Louis sat down next to him, pulling the blanket from his grip and handing it to Liam. "Maybe take your top off as well." Louis tugged at the hem of it.

"No, no way." Harry shook his head frantically.

"Why not? We never get to see those abs of yours anymore." Louis joked, poking Harry's tummy.

Harry just shrugged, shrinking further into the sofa.

"Can we watch Legally Blonde?" He gave a small pleading look.

"Ugh fine, seeing as you're sick."

"Why don't you just accept that you love it? Who doesn't love Legally Blonde?"

"Ugh not that shit again." Zayn groaned as he walked out.

Harry glared at him before grabbing the bucket again and throwing up.

"Let's get your hair out the way, hmm?" Louis rubbed soothing circles on Harry's back. "Who has a hairband?"

"There's a scrunchie on the bathroom side." Niall offered.

"'s mine."

"Can you bring it here please Ni?"

"Sure mate."

Louis gathered Harry's short curls into a small man bun, playing with his roots as he did so.

"Do you want to cuddle?"

"You'll get sick."

"I don't care, I just want to look after you."

Harry nodded shyly, he and Louis hadn't cuddled together in ages, ever since he had started 'dating' Eleanor.

As the film went on, Harry gave up on attempting to keep his eyes open, and soon enough he was asleep, clinging to Louis.

Louis didn't have the heart to wake Harry and move him to his bed, so he instead settled on falling asleep where he was.

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