♥︎Isn't It Romantic♥︎

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Liza got her and Ella dressed and did her makeup

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Liza got her and Ella dressed and did her makeup. David came to pick them up and Liza put Ella in the back seat then sat in the front. She kissed him on the lips 3 times. Ella came up and put her arms around his neck. He kissed the little cherub on her dimpled cheek.

Liza: Aww! Alright, Ella, car seat.

She got in her car seat and Liza turned around and buckled her in. When they were driving, "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift came on the radio. Liza turned it up some because, Ella liked this song. Liza heart melted at the sound of Ella's little voice singing.

Ella: "You're on the pone wif ya girlfriend she's upset..."

Liza and David looked at each other and smiled and then David looked in the rear view mirror.

Ella: "Hey isn't dis eeasaay?" — "What ya doin wif a girl wike dat?"— "You belong wif meeeee!"

Liza tried to record her secretly. Ella saw Liza recording and stopped.

Liza: Go Tootie, this is your song.

She continued bopping her head.

Ella: "I Wemeber you dwiving to my house in da middle of da night!" — "Been here all along so why can't you seeee?" "You belong wif meeee!"

Liza: I wanna cry... she's too cute.


When the song went off, Ella smiled.

Liza: I mean, who couldn't love Welly?

Something else of Ella's to surely go viral. Some people have made it known they toon into videos of Liza's and David's just to see Ella.

*Pacific Park-Santa Monica*

He turned on the camera.

David: Alright, Ella are you ready for some fun?

Ella: Yeah!

He cut the camera and they got out. They walked to the amusement park, paid admission and went exploring. He busted out his camera again.

David: Alright, where to first?

Liza: Well she's too young to ride the big, scary rides and stuff. Sorry. But, we can do the other stuff together. Let's do the Air Lift!

They walked through the pier and stood in the line. They let the three of them through. They all got in one car. With 2 adults on a kiddy ride it was a pretty tight squeeze, but at least Ella was okay and comfortable. They checked the safety harnesses told them the rules. The music started and up into the sky they went. They laughed and Ella, being so small slid between them. Liza and David turned the wheel making the car spin around. When the ride was done they came down. The ride stopped and they let them out.

My Little Blessings in Disguise - Diza fanfic(very old story)Where stories live. Discover now