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Liza was trying to console fussy Ella

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Liza was trying to console fussy Ella. Ella was screeching and tugging at her ear. Whenever Ella got sick Liza always felt like she had failed. Liza put on her white converse. Then she put on Ella's shoes. She picked Ella up and they went to her car. Ella was at a pushing point and Ella couldn't be consoled, she was uncontrollably bawling.

Liza: Okay, Boopie! Mommy's here!

She began to drive to the hospital. She knew she really shouldn't been on her phone while driving but she couldn't resist for Ella's sake. She went to her contacts. She was about to call David then
she thought to herself.
Liza: He's not this little girl's dad.
She called Chris instead.

*phone call*

Chris: Hello?
Liza: Chris I'm on my way to the children's hospital right now.
Chris: Okay, Wait, why?
Liza: Ella!
He could hear the panic in her voice and Ella's loud whimpering.
Chris: Wait, what happened to Ella?
Liza: I don't know! She's sick, and she's been crying all night.
Chris: Alright, say no more. I'll meet you at the hospital.
Liza: Okay.
They hung up
Liza: It's okay Muffin, Mommy's gonna take you to the hospital and everything will be okay.
*At the hospital*
Liza came in holding Ella. She came up to the nurse at the front desk.
Nurse: Hi, can I have her name?
Liza: Ella Hayes...
Nurse: Date of Birth?
Liza: 03-15-2013
Nurse: Ella Christine Hayes?
Liza: Yes...
Nurse: Okay now can I have your number?
Liza: [insert phone number]
Nurse: Okay, Address?
Liza: [insert Liza's apartment address]
Nurse: And what's your reason for coming today?
Liza: My daughter, she's very very sick. She's a little warm too.
Nurse: Okay, can you spell your name mom?
Liza: Elizabeth K.O.S.H.Y...
Nurse: Okay.
The nurse printed their wristbands and they waited in the waiting room. Chris came, got his wristband and went over to Liza and Ella.
Chris: Aww daddy's poor baby... Her so sick...

He picked Ella up.
Liza: Be careful of her head...
After waiting a while they were called.
Nurse: Ella?
They got up and followed the nurse to the check up room.
Nurse: Hi I'm nurse Darla, can I have her name?
Liza: Ella.
Darla: Alright, and what is your reason for coming to the ER today?
Liza: She's uh very irritable and keeps tugging at her ear... she's pretty hot too.
Darla: Okay! I'm gonna check it out.
She got the thermometer and put it across her forehead.
Darla: 100.8. So she definitely a bit of a fever. Most likely definitely an ear infection. Here's a little Amoxicillin. Which is just a little antibiotic medication.
She gave it to Chris.
Chris: Here, Mamas. Swallow, swallow.
She swallowed her medicine and whimpered while Chris help her close to his chest.
Darla: Alright, you can follow me, I'm gonna take you on back to a room.
Liza: Okay.
They followed the nurse to their hospital room, to wait for the doctor.
Chris: You nervous?
Liza: Yes... I hate when she gets sick, Chris. I hate it.
Chris: It's alright it's not your fault. Everybody gets sick when they're little. I remember when she was a baby, and we stayed in that hospital all night, but that was good for me. We didn't go to school the next day.
Liza let out a small chuckle.
Chris: Now there's a smile... She's daddy's girl... she been a star her whole life...
Liza: I know...
Then the pediatrician walked in.
Doctor: Hello, I'm Dr. Lee!
Liza: Hi...
Dr. Lee: You're sick, Cutie! You've got an ear infection.
The doctor got to checking Ella's ears.
Liza: Don't cry Muffin...
Ella pouted as tears uncontrollably fell.
Dr. Lee: Oh I'm sorry.
Then she was done.
Dr. Lee: Alrighty, I'm all done! The nurse will give you guys some information on care for an her ailment outside of the hospital. Just keep her away from loud noise, take it easy when playing. It's only an ear infection. If it doesn't subside after a couple days to a week, then definitely give us a call.
Liza: Okay...
Dr. Lee: You guys have a good night! Feel better, Sweetie!
Then the doctor left and the nurse came back.
Darla: Here's your papers on aid at home. Just make sure to give her medicine and she'll be fine really soon.
She gave Ella a sticker and a lollipop.
Chris: Look Kitty, it has Tinker Bell on it, that's your favorite.
Ella: Mhm! Me wike Tinka Bale daddy...
Ella was all drowsy. She gave them all the papers and sent them on their way.

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