♥︎Mommy-Daughter Day♥︎

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This part is very very old. The last time I edited it in my notes was dated February 17, 2018. But who knows when I started it.

Liza was up early in the morning thinking

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Liza was up early in the morning thinking. She looked over at Ella sleeping by her side.
Liza: I gotta get away from the internet and spend time with my baby.
Ella flutters her eyes open
Ella: Hi...
Liza: Good Morning Baby! Wanna get dressed and get some breakfast with mommy?
Ella: Yea...
Liza picked Ella and walked into the bathroom. Liza put some bubblegum toothpaste on Ella's toothbrush and mint on hers. They brushed their teeth together. Then they went back in side of Liza's room. She went to Ella's room picked some clothes out for her and then went back to her own room. After she was done dressing her she brushed Ella's hair into a big bun. When Liza was done Ella ran off to play with her toys. Liza closed the door and started to get ready. When she was putting a bra on Ella ran in.
Liza: Ella!
Ella: Sowwy Mommy! Where Tinka Bale?
Liza: I think she's over there
Ella ran over and found her doll. Then ran back out.
Liza: What am I going to do with this girl?
When she was done she started to do her makeup.
Ella came and sat between Liza's lap
Liza: Ella please baby
Ella: I wike you.
Liza chuckles
Liza: I like being around you too but I have to do my makeup.
Ella: But!
Liza: But nothing...
Ella got out of Liza's lap and she pouted
Liza: You know I love you
Ella: Mmm
Liza kissed her cheek
Liza: I'm sorry baby
Ella ran back out the room. Liza finished her makeup and grabbed her phone and bag.
Liza: Ella!
Ella: Yah!?
Liza: Ready?
Ella: Yea!
Liza grabbed her hand and they left Liza's apartment together. They got to Liza's car and she strapped Ella
in. Then went to her side and buckled her seat belt.


Liza and Ella were having breakfast. Ella had got chocolate chip silver dollars and sausages. Liza got crepes, eggs, and bacon.
Ella: Mmmm!
Liza: You like that baby?
Ella: Mhm!
•After breakfast•
Liza: Wanna go to the mall?
Ella: Ya!

•At the mall•

Liza: Come on Ella...
Ella: K!
Liza and Ella walked around and brought some stuff. Liza was in Sephora buying some stuff for herself for a change. Liza was talking to the store clerk.
Ella: Mommy!
Liza: Ella ssshh!
She picked her up. Liza kissed her cheek. They left Sephora and Ella's gaze was met with something every little kid loved.
Ella: Wook!
Liza: "Build-a-bear workshop"?
Ella: Mhm!
Liza: Well okay then, you have been being good today.
They walked into build-a-bear.
Worker: Hi! Are you picking out a bear today?
Liza: Yea...she wants one so.
Worker: Well first we gotta pick a bear then we can stuff it! Come on cutie!
Liza: Which one you want?
Ella: Dis!
Liza: You have one like that already.
Ella: Oh! Umm... Dis one!
She picked up a hot pink bear.
Liza: I like that one Muffin.
Worker: Okay you ready to stuff it?
Ella: Mhm!
They walked to the cotton filled machine. She hooked the bear to the machine. She got a little heart and gave it to Ella.
Worker: Can you kiss it for me?
She kissed it.
Ella: Mommy too?
Worker: Sure! The more love the better!
Liza pecked it.
Worker: Say "I love you" to it.
Ella: Wove you!
The worker threw it in the bear and the worker closed it up.
Worker: Here you go cutie! Squeeze her tight!
Ella squeezed the bear tight.
Liza: Wanna dress it?
Ella: Yea!
They went to the dressing station. Liza helped Ella pick some bear clothes and shoes. Then lastly they had to name it and print an adoption certificate. When they were finished they rang Liza up, put the bear in a cardboard house. After that they did some more shopping then it was getting pretty late. Of course the trip wasn't complete without a sugary cinnamon pretzel.
Liza: What do you want for dinner?
Ella: Ticks Fil Lay!
She laughed at Ella's pronunciation.
Liza: Okay!
They got their Chick-fil-A and went home. Then
they ate it while watching TV.


Liza went in the bathroom and started filling up the tub with water and added some bubble bath. As the tub filled slowly. Liza went to the sink and started to clean the makeup off her face. After cleaning off her makeup. The tub was ready so she turned it off.
Liza: Come on Ella bath time!
Ella ran in and Liza undressed her. They took some pictures in Liza's phone for fun then Liza got in and Ella got in after. Ella played with the bubbles in the tub. Liza took a picture because it was cute.
Liza: I love you so much Ella...
Ella: Wove you mommy!


After Liza and Ella's bath they brushed their teeth together. Liza got her and Ella ready for bed.

They got in the bed together

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They got in the bed together. Liza turned on the TV. She turned to "Sofia the first". Liza rubbed Ella's back. Shortly after she drifted off to sleep.
Liza: Finally...

My Little Blessings in Disguise - Diza fanfic(very old story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant